[Koha-devel] Zebra issue?

Nicholas van Rheede van Oudtshoorn vanoudt at gmail.com
Mon May 10 10:47:01 CEST 2010

Hello all,

Hope this is the right mailing list for this question. I'm busy trying to
migrate a Koha installation from one machine to another (and in the process
update to a new version of Koha!). Everything seems to be working, except
for the zebra functionality.

When I try to run rebuild_zebra.pl (with -b -r -w -v ) I get the following:

Zebra configuration information
Zebra biblio directory      = /var/lib/koha/zebradb/biblios
Zebra authorities directory = /var/lib/koha/zebradb/authorities
Koha directory              = /usr/share/koha/intranet/cgi-bin
BIBLIONUMBER in :     999$c
skipping authorities
exporting biblio
Records exported: 18417
16:40:27-10/05 zebraidx(29888) [log] zebra_start 2.0.43
16:40:27-10/05 zebraidx(29888) [log] config
16:40:27-10/05 zebraidx(29888) [log] Loaded filter module
16:40:27-10/05 zebraidx(29888) [log] Loaded filter module
16:40:27-10/05 zebraidx(29888) [log] Loaded filter module
16:40:27-10/05 zebraidx(29888) [log] Loaded filter module
16:40:27-10/05 zebraidx(29888) [log] Loaded filter module
16:40:27-10/05 zebraidx(29888) [log] Loaded filter module
16:40:27-10/05 zebraidx(29888) [log] Loaded filter module
16:40:27-10/05 zebraidx(29888) [warn] previous transaction did not finish
(shadow disabled)
16:40:27-10/05 zebraidx(29888) [warn] previous transaction didn't reach
16:40:27-10/05 zebraidx(29888) [log] enabling shadow
16:40:27-10/05 zebraidx(29888) [log] cache_fname =
16:40:27-10/05 zebraidx(29888) [fatal] Node node_zebra missing
16:40:27-10/05 zebraidx(29888) [warn] Cannot obtain EXPLAIN information
16:40:27-10/05 zebraidx(29888) [fatal] zebra_begin_trans: cannot open

Additionally, when I up the verbosity of the actual zebrasrv logging,
searching for a record in Koha (intranet) gives the following.

16:18:31-10/05 zebrasrv(3) [session] Session - OK 3
unix:/var/run/koha/zebradb/bibliosocket 29756
16:18:31-10/05 zebrasrv(3) [request] Auth idPass kohauser -
16:18:31-10/05 zebrasrv(3) [request] Init OK - ID:81 Name:ZOOM-C/YAZ
Version:4.0.3 7b5205fa8cc74d5d17334216a5cd616296edb1a9
16:18:31-10/05 zebrasrv(3) [fatal] Node node_zebra missing
16:18:31-10/05 zebrasrv(3) [warn] Cannot obtain EXPLAIN information
16:18:31-10/05 zebrasrv(3) [request] Search biblios ERROR 109 1 1+0 RPN
@attrset Bib-1 @or @or @or @or @attr 1=36 @attr 4=1 @attr 6=3 @attr 9=32
@attr 2=102 theology @attr 1=4 @attr 4=1 @attr 6=3 @attr 9=28 @attr 2=102
theology @attr 1=4 @attr 4=1 @attr 9=26 @attr 2=102 theology @attr 4=6 @attr
5=1 @attr 9=14 @attr 2=102 "theologi? " @attr 4=6 @attr 9=14 @attr 2=102
16:18:31-10/05 zebrasrv(3) [session] Connection closed by client

Has anybody else seen anything like this? In particular, what is the
"node_zebra" node that it keeps coimplaining is missing?

I think I told koha to use dom instead of gsr.... could this be the problem?
(And if so, can I revert back to gsr?)

The machine I'm throwing this on is a fresh installation of the latest
Fedora, with all the latest indexdata sources installed.

Hope there's some hope here - I've been bashing my head against this for the
better part of an afternoon already!

Thanks in anticipation,
Nicholas van Oudtshoorn
Perth Bible College (IT Manager)
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