[Koha-devel] SVC templates

Robin Sheat robin at catalyst.net.nz
Wed Apr 11 13:42:00 CEST 2012

Op 11-04-12 23:31, Ian Walls schreef:
> Right now, the few web services we have all create their XML output
> using XML::Simple.  This is not the fastest parser in the world, so I've
> been looking to minimize/remove it's usage.

I work with the maintainer of XML::Simple. I'm quite sure he wouldn't
object to me putting these words in his mouth: "Don't use XML::Simple,
move to something that does things properly. It's deprecated and a bad
idea outside of a very narrow set of circumstances."

That's pretty much his advice whenever anyone brings it up.

> Looking at it in /svc got me thinking:  perhaps we should be using
> T:T to generate our web services output instead.  This would have all
> the advantages of T:T, and allow us to reuse common portions text.

I've done this for something else, and it's not super-great compared to
a real XML system, but it does work and works fairly well. Also, it's
very easy.


I don't see it there, but you could make a default filter that encoded
everything to XML entities.


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