[Koha-devel] Kohadevbox for testing Packages+Plack

Tomas Cohen Arazi tomascohen at gmail.com
Mon Sep 21 16:22:48 CEST 2015

Hi everyone, I hope you had a great weekend :-D

We have pushed a new branch to the kohadevbox repository. The branch is
called 'ansible' and relies on that tool (Ansible) to load a full packages
environment, suitable for testing Plack on packages. I already use it for
my RM duties, daily.

To try/use it, you need to:

(1) Install the latest vagrant:

(2) Install the latest ansible:


(3) Install nfs-kernel-server (for re-using your host machine cloned repo)
  $ sudo apt-get install nfs-kernel-server

(4) Clone the kohadevbox repo https://github.com/digibib/kohadevbox.git

(5) Checkout the 'ansible' branch.

(6) Dive into the directory, uncomment the lines you would like to tweak in
vars/user.yml (email, name, bz configuration, etc)

(7) Set an env variable pointing to your local koha clone (for example)
  $ export SYNC_REPO=/home/katrina/kohaclone

(8) Launch kohadevbox for the desired distribution:
  $ vagrant up trusty
  $ vagrant up wheezy
  $ vagrant up jessie

Once you have your vagrant environment up and running, you will have access
to Koha like this:
- OPAC: http://localhost:8080
- Staff: http://localhost:8081

After this, you can enable Plack from within the VM by running:

 $ vagrant ssh <os> # to get into
 $ sudo -s # gain root access
 $ koha-plack --enable kohadev
 $ koha-plack --start kohadev
 $ service apache2 restart

Once you have it running and figure how easy is to destroy your environment
and re-create it, you will really love this (+10000 to Magnus!).

So, this is a pledge to all of you, to use it so we properly test Plack on
packages for the next release.

Thanks in advance!

Tomás Cohen Arazi
Theke Solutions (http://theke.io)
✆ +54 9351 3513384
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