[Koha-patches] [PATCH] [SIGNED-OFF] Fix for Bug 5048, Error in menu/submenu for select language in intranet

Galen Charlton gmcharlt at gmail.com
Sat Nov 13 20:14:39 CET 2010

From: Owen Leonard <oleonard at myacpl.org>

Patch for HEAD. This issue was apparently solved quite a while
ago in the OPAC. This patch copies that solution over to the staff client.

Signed-off-by: Galen Charlton <gmcharlt at gmail.com>
 .../prog/en/includes/intranet-bottom.inc           |    2 +-
 koha-tmpl/intranet-tmpl/prog/en/js/staff-global.js |   55 ++++++++++----------
 2 files changed, 28 insertions(+), 29 deletions(-)

diff --git a/koha-tmpl/intranet-tmpl/prog/en/includes/intranet-bottom.inc b/koha-tmpl/intranet-tmpl/prog/en/includes/intranet-bottom.inc
index 78334b2..839c176 100644
--- a/koha-tmpl/intranet-tmpl/prog/en/includes/intranet-bottom.inc
+++ b/koha-tmpl/intranet-tmpl/prog/en/includes/intranet-bottom.inc
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
         <!-- TMPL_LOOP NAME="languages_loop" -->
             <!-- TMPL_IF NAME="group_enabled" -->
             <!-- TMPL_IF NAME="plural" -->
-            <li class="more"><a id="showlang" href="#"><!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="native_description" --> (<!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="rfc4646_subtag" -->)</a><div id="sublangs">
+            <li class="more"><a class="sublangs" id="show<!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="rfc4646_subtag" -->" href="#"><!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="native_description" --> (<!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="rfc4646_subtag" -->)</a><div id="sub<!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="rfc4646_subtag" -->">
             <div class="bd"><ul>
             <!-- TMPL_LOOP NAME="sublanguages_loop" -->
 		<!-- TMPL_IF NAME="enabled" -->
diff --git a/koha-tmpl/intranet-tmpl/prog/en/js/staff-global.js b/koha-tmpl/intranet-tmpl/prog/en/js/staff-global.js
index c2e6fba..047bfa0 100644
--- a/koha-tmpl/intranet-tmpl/prog/en/js/staff-global.js
+++ b/koha-tmpl/intranet-tmpl/prog/en/js/staff-global.js
@@ -43,35 +43,34 @@ function _(s) { return s } // dummy function for gettext
+// build Change Language menus
 YAHOO.util.Event.onContentReady("changelanguage", function () {
-                var oMenu = new YAHOO.widget.Menu("sublangs", { zindex: 2 });
-	            function positionoMenu() {
-                    oMenu.align("bl", "tl");
-                }
-                oMenu.subscribe("beforeShow", function () {
-                    if (this.getRoot() == this) {
-						positionoMenu();
-                    }
-                });
-                oMenu.render();
-				oMenu.cfg.setProperty("context", ["showlang", "bl", "tl"]);
-				function onYahooClick(p_oEvent) {
-                    // Position and display the menu        
-                    positionoMenu();
-                    oMenu.show();
-                    // Stop propagation and prevent the default "click" behavior
-                    YAHOO.util.Event.stopEvent(p_oEvent);
-                }
-				YAHOO.util.Event.addListener("showlang", "click", onYahooClick);
-				YAHOO.widget.Overlay.windowResizeEvent.subscribe(positionoMenu);
-            });
+	$(".sublangs").each(function(){
+		var menuid = $(this).attr("id");
+		var menuid = menuid.replace("show","");
+		var oMenu = new YAHOO.widget.Menu("sub"+menuid, { zindex: 2 });
+		function positionoMenu() {
+			oMenu.align("bl", "tl");
+		}
+		oMenu.subscribe("beforeShow", function () {
+		if (this.getRoot() == this) {
+			positionoMenu();
+		}
+		});
+		oMenu.render();
+		oMenu.cfg.setProperty("context", ["show"+menuid, "bl", "tl"]);
+		function onYahooClick(p_oEvent) {
+			// Position and display the menu
+			positionoMenu();
+			oMenu.show();
+			// Stop propagation and prevent the default "click" behavior
+			YAHOO.util.Event.stopEvent(p_oEvent);
+		}
+		YAHOO.util.Event.addListener("show"+menuid, "click", onYahooClick);
+		YAHOO.widget.Overlay.windowResizeEvent.subscribe(positionoMenu);
+	});
 // http://jennifermadden.com/javascript/stringEnterKeyDetector.html
 function checkEnter(e){ //e is event object passed from function invocation

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