[Koha-translate] NZ English Translation

russ at russandsarah.gen.nz russ at russandsarah.gen.nz
Tue Apr 8 07:07:17 CEST 2008

Replying to one point at a time

> Also, w/respect to en-NZ, isn't that the same or nearly the same as

No, just like en-AU is slightly different. There are terms that are used
in the interface that are slightly different for each country.

Take for example of the super set that includes the city a person lives in.

In the US,AU and others this is a State
In the UK and possibly others this is a County
In Canada, and others this is a Province
In NZ we use the term Region

Some countries use postcode, others zipcode.

The most problematic term is the use of the word "patron", but that could
be the subject of a different thread.

What I was looking for is a way to give certain features and fields,
particularly around addresses a different name so they are meaningful to
the local audience where they are being used.

At one stage I talked to a number of people (mostly off list) and it
seemed that having a separate translation would be the best way to go.
This translation may only have a dozen different "translated" terms to the
default en theme, but it would make more sense and be more usable to the
location using it.

The emphasis on being more usable.If there is another way to do this then
all good. Maybe this is using the translation framework as a hack. But it
seemed to me to be a simple way that we could make the installation more
usable to more people without much effort.


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