[Koha-translate] Is possible to generate .po files more often?

Victor/tuxayo victor at tuxayo.net
Wed Jun 1 04:13:24 CEST 2022

On 22-05-30 21:42, Mike D. wrote:
> you're right, both solutions will help resolve the situation. Assuming 
> there is an access to the .po files on the server. Some of our 
> translators don't have the necessary knowledge to be able to use ssh and 
> fix .po files directly using the command line. Yet, they are able to 
> work on the translation and do it efficiently and well. Generating .po 
> files would help in just such specific cases. It would be a useful 
> feature, but we can probably get by without it. It's just that the 
> problem won't be able to be solved directly by the person who caused it, 
> but by someone else who can do it directly on the server.

Doesn't your normal workflow already requires access to the server?
Like when it's generated everyday you have a way to apply it immediately 
on the server without waiting for the monthly release.


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