[Koha-translate] Sinhala and Turkmen languages added to the translation platform

Victor Grousset/tuxayo victor at tuxayo.net
Tue May 31 19:44:29 CEST 2022


Thanks Bernardo for adding them, I'll document the procedure so next 
time anyone of the multiple people with admin rights on the server could 
do it so we will be able to respond to requests more quickly and not 
have this load only on you.

So good news Mengu and R45XvezA, here are the pages for the languages:

Now IIUC how it works, you need to tell us your usernames on the 
platform (create an account if you don't have) so you will be made 
language admin.
A language admin can given other people the role of reviewers.
Which is needed for the people that will help you translate otherwise 
they will only be able to make suggestions and only you could accept 
them. (though that's a valid workflow also)


Victor Grousset/tuxayo

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