[Koha-win32] Re: help with koha on win 2k3

vprakash murdan vpmurdan at yahoo.com
Wed Jul 20 16:25:09 CEST 2005

Khaled, do call me Prakash. Next pls copy your correspondences to the address in my CC field, so other can take advantage.
Now am not sure how KOha works with IIS, cos I am using Apache. But for the problem you have :, edit the koha.conf in directory c:\etc

In the user field put the username who has access to your database. leave the pass blank


The file should look like:












Note: the password for your user to access the database(in mysql) should be blank.


It seems that mysql can't be accessed through perl if the user has a password. Well I have tried a lot with the password, but resigned finally.


Try this n then we'll see if you have any more problem



khaled nejem <knejem at yahoo.com> wrote:
Dear sir

first of all thank you very much for your help, GOD
knows that I'm desperate for anything now.

as for my situation, it is as follows. I followed the
instructions in the attached file and here is what I

I'm using windows 2003 WEB Server Edition, without
installing service pack 1.

My server is not "open" i.e it has no ip or domain
name yet, I don't know if this is important or not.

I installed IIS 6.0 from the Windows CD. all went well
and I tested creating a web site with a simple html
index page and it worked fine.

next I installed MySql server database (Version 4.1)
and created the koha database using the koha.mysql
file. the database worked fine.

next I installed activestate perl (version 5.8) in the
directory c:/perl and then installed the required
modules like dbi, ... etc

I tested perl on IIS just like the attached file
suggested and it gave the proper response.

next I installed the koha software just like the
author said, I extracted the folder and copied the
required contents to the designated pathes. then I
created the c:/etc folder and edited the koha.conf
file inside it just as written in the attached file.

Now according to the file everything should work just
fine, but what I get when I type http://opac in the
browsers address bar is the "welcome to koha" page
then I get this error page

CGI Error
The specified CGI application misbehaved by not
returning a complete set of HTTP headers.

Now I have no knowledge in perl or cgi, and I have
absolutely no idea what this error means. 

what did I do wrong?, and how can I undo it?

can you help??

thank you very much 

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Installing Koha 2.2.1 on Windows Server 2003
Phill Hardstaff<phillh AT spc.int>

Copyright © 2005 Phill Hardstaff

This document is related to Koha and is licensed to you under the GNU General Public License version 2 or later (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html ).

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Revision HistoryRevision 2.2.02005-03-22ph
Initial version


1. Preliminary Notes
2. Install Active State Perl and the Perl Modules
3. Check Perl on IIS
4. Make a Virtual Server
5. Install the Koha Software
6. Make the Koha Database
7. Configuration
8. Final Notes
1. Preliminary Notes

I have Koha 2.2.1 running on Windows Server 2003 using IIS under the following conditions.

No APACHE, running natively under IIS6.0

No changes to the code, i.e. I have not changed any Pe rl for OPAC and Intranet

I am using my Active state Perl as it was installed, i.e. to c:\perl and not installed to c:\usr

I did not use the Koha Windows Installer.

I have been playing around with Koha for a while now and was at the point where I had to do my final install and data import. I had been running it on SuSE Linux but would have really liked to have just been able to load it up on my Windows box rather than have to have a Linux box just running Koha, so that's exactly what I did, in less than a day.

I have an OPAC site and Intranet site running. Using NPL I have no problems, with the default template some links do not work properly. I.e. Add Biblio in default template calls cgi-bin/koha/addbiblio.pl which does not exist rather than cgi-bin/koha/acqui.simple/addbiblio.pl which NPL does.

I will detail the OPAC site but Intranet is the same thing, just change the names. Could someone explain to me why all the URL's in Koha have to be /cgi-bin/koha rather than just /cgi-bin/ it sure would make life simple to move Koha around, because that's the first thing you come up against, Apache allows virtual directories like /cgi-bin/koha and IIS does not, anyway, there is a way around that :)

This is not meant for people who know nothing about IIS6.0.

2. Install Active State Perl and the Perl Modules

If you haven't already then install Active State Perl, I am using ActivePerl-, it DOES NOT MATTER where it is installed to, c:\perl is fine. When it says it will add all the mappings to IIS etc let it. Don't know if 5.8 will work, haven't tried it.

Install the required packages, go to c:\perl\bin in a command prompt and type ppm, then it's

PPM>install package::name

The minimum you will need is


Copy the whole directory koha-2.2.1\modules\C4 to c:\perl\lib

3. Check Perl on IIS

Check Perl works on IIS, you will probably have to go into IIS Manager and go to Web Service Extensions and ALLOW Perl CGI. Get a test script, like say C:\Perl\eg\cgi\env.pl, put it on your web root and see that you get text back and not an error. Remove this file when you are sure PERL and IIS are talking together OK.

4. Make a Virtual Server

Make a virtual server in IIS, in my case http://opac.spc.int and put a HTML p age on it and test that works at least before you go any further, you could also make a virtual server with a different IP if you wanted to, that's up to you. Set default doc to be index.html Default settings will work fine, i.e. scripts only is all that is needed.

5. Install the Koha Software

Uncompress koha-2.2.1.tar.gz (WinRAR is good for this)

Copy all the files and directories from /opac-html to the root of the virtual server. So your root should contain index.html and the opac-tmpl directory

In the root of the virtual server create a directory called cgi-bin, under this create a directory called koh a, copy all the files and directories from /opac-cgi to here. (For opac-cgi there are no directories.)

6. Make the Koha Database

I am a bit skimpy on this one because I dumped my Database from Linux and imported that into my Windows MySQL box, so I didn't actually have to set up the tables etc, anyway, set up your database, it can be on the same server or elsewhere, mine is elsewhere, if you don't have MySQL Admin get it from here http://www.mysql.com/products/administrator/ this will get you up and running quick and allow easy backups.

Create the Database and user etc. Then run koha.mysql to set up the tables, after that I am not sure, I would have too look inside the ins taller to see what it does. But I think you have to at least set up the MARC structure by running scripts/misc/marc_datas/marc21_en/structure_def.sql.

7. Configuration

On the SAME drive that you have your web virtual directory create a directory called /etc. It is here you will put koha.conf, here is a sample (I have changed all the paths here :)


OK, from this you can see I have all the files on c:\, so I should also have a c:\etc with the above koha.conf in it. The root of the opac virtual server on IIS in this case is c:\koha\opac\htdocs.

8. Final Notes

Think that's about it, what can I say, it works and it works well :) The send book bag does not work but I will fix that, it will just be some perl thing missing.

To use bulkmarcimport.pl on Windows comment out lines 12, 71, 141 being

use Time::HiRes qwg(ettimeofday);my $starttime = gettimeofday;my $timeneeded = gettimeofday - $starttime;

And change line 142 to read

print "$i MARC record done";

This just gets around using a module I couldn't get for Windows.

The data you are looking at (http://opac.spc.int) was exported from Dbtext works and imported into Koha using free Marcedit and Excel and still needs a bit of cleaning up, but that's another story.

Thanks to the Koha team for finally freeing me of Dbtextworks :) Good work.

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