[koha-Infos] Fwd: [Koha (site biblibre.com)] Survey on "Costs and benefits of the open source integrated libary system Koha"

Nicolas Morin nicolas.morin at biblibre.com
Mer 1 Avr 15:20:20 CEST 2009

Je suis contacté par une doctorante en Allemagne, qui veut faire sa
thèse sur Koha et cherche des bibliothèques utilisatrices pour les
contacter. Je ne lui donne pas directement de contacts, mais je vous
invite à la joindre : son mail et sa demande initiale sont dans le
message ci-dessous.
N. Morin

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From:  <kkropf at fbm.htwk-leipzig.de>
Date: Sun, Mar 29, 2009 at 12:44 PM
Subject: [Koha (site biblibre.com)] Survey on "Costs and benefits of
the open source integrated libary system Koha"
To: commercial at biblibre.com

Katrin Kropf sent a message using the contact form at

Dear Sir or Madam,

My name is Katrin Kropf, student of Library and Information Science in
Leipzig, Germany.
I'm doing my diploma thesis on the open source ILS Koha. The main part
of my thesis will be a survey on costs and benefits of Koha and
therefore I'll need libraries that already use Koha as probands.

I'm currently in the middle of collecting contact addresses of
libraries that already use Koha and might be interested in
participating in that survey. I ask you kindly to provide me a list
with the names of the libraries that have BibLibre as a Koha support
company. If you're allowed to give the names of contact librarians and
their e-mail addresses it would be very helpful for me.
The addresses will be handled confidentially and used for this
scientific cause only.

The results of the survey will be published around July. I could also
send you the results directly if you are want.
Your help is really appreciated, because I try to involve as many
libraries as possible in this survey. Thank you very much in advance.


Katrin Kropf


HTWK Leipzig, Fachbereich Medien
- Bibliotheks- und Informationswissenschaft

Add.: Katrin Kropf, Arno-Nitzsche-Str. 42 / 336, 04277 Leipzig, GERMANY
Tel.: +49 178 3414412

Report as inappropriate:

Nicolas Morin
Mobile: +33(0)633 19 11 36

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