[Koha-bugs] [Bug 24005] Software error: at login

bugzilla-daemon at bugs.koha-community.org bugzilla-daemon at bugs.koha-community.org
Tue Nov 12 05:19:45 CET 2019


--- Comment #4 from Andrew Lau <andrewanandal at gmail.com> ---
Many thanks for the very practical advice! I removed the instance and attempted
reinstalling it. Now the following error message occurs:

The following error occurred while importing the database structure:

[Tue Nov 12 12:04:18 2019] install.pl: DBD::mysql::st execute failed: BLOB,
TEXT, GEOMETRY or JSON column 'changed_fields' can't have a default value at
/usr/share/perl5/DBIx/RunSQL.pm line 273.

Please contact your system administrator

The /usr/share/perl5/DBIx?RunSQL.pm looks like this:

  GNU nano 2.9.3                                                               

package DBIx::RunSQL;
use strict;
use DBI;

use vars qw($VERSION);
$VERSION = '0.15';

=head1 NAME

DBIx::RunSQL - run SQL from a file



    #!/usr/bin/perl -w
    use strict;
    use lib 'lib';
    use DBIx::RunSQL;

    my $test_dbh = DBIx::RunSQL->create(
        dsn     => 'dbi:SQLite:dbname=:memory:',
        sql     => 'sql/create.sql',
        force   => 1,
        verbose => 1,

    ... # run your tests with a DB setup fresh from setup.sql

=head1 METHODS

=head2 C<< DBIx::RunSQL->create ARGS >>

=head2 C<< DBIx::RunSQL->run ARGS >>

Runs the SQL commands and returns the database handle.
In list context, it returns the database handle and the
suggested exit code.

=over 4

=item *

C<sql> - name of the file containing the SQL statements

The default is C<sql/create.sql>

If C<sql> is a reference to a glob or a filehandle,
the SQL will be read from that. B<not implemented>

This allows one to create SQL-as-programs as follows:

  #!/usr/bin/perl -w -MDBIx::RunSQL -e 'create()'
  create table ...

If you want to run SQL statements from a scalar,
you can simply pass in a reference to a scalar containing the SQL:

    sql => \"update mytable set foo='bar';",

=item *

C<dsn>, C<user>, C<password> - DBI parameters for connecting to the DB

=item *

C<dbh> - a premade database handle to be used instead of C<dsn>

=item *

C<force> - continue even if errors are encountered

=item *

C<verbose> - print each SQL statement as it is run

=item *

C<verbose_handler> - callback to call with each SQL statement instead of

=item *

C<verbose_fh> - filehandle to write to instead of C<STDOUT>



sub create {
    my ($self,%args) = @_;
    $args{sql} ||= 'sql/create.sql';

    my $dbh = delete $args{ dbh };
    if (! $dbh) {
        $dbh = DBI->connect($args{dsn}, $args{user}, $args{password}, {})
            or die "Couldn't connect to DSN '$args{dsn}' : " . DBI->errstr;

Runs an SQL file on a prepared database handle.
Returns the number of errors encountered.

If the statement returns rows, these are printed
separated with tabs.

=over 4

=item *

C<dbh> - a premade database handle

=item *

C<sql> - name of the file containing the SQL statements

=item *

C<force> - continue even if errors are encountered

=item *

C<verbose> - print each SQL statement as it is run

=item *

C<verbose_handler> - callback to call with each SQL statement instead of

=item *

C<verbose_fh> - filehandle to write to instead of C<STDOUT>

=item *

C<output_bool> - whether to exit with a nonzero exit code if any row is found

This makes the function return a nonzero value even if there is no error
but a row was found.

=item *

C<output_string> - whether to output the (one) row and column, without any



sub run_sql_file {
    my ($self,%args) = @_;
    my @sql;
        open my $fh, "<", $args{sql}
            or die "Couldn't read '$args{sql}' : $!";
        # potentially this should become C<< $/ = ";\n"; >>
        # and a while loop to handle large SQL files
        local $/;
        $args{ sql }= <$fh>; # sluuurp

=head2 C<< DBIx::RunSQL->run_sql ARGS >>

    my $dbh = DBI->connect(...)

    for my $file (sort glob '*.sql') {
            verbose => 1,
            dbh     => $dbh,
            sql     => 'create table foo',

Runs an SQL string on a prepared database handle.
Returns the number of errors encountered.

If the statement returns rows, these are printed
separated with tabs, but see the C<output_bool> and C<output_string> options.

=over 4

=item *

C<dbh> - a premade database handle

=item *

C<sql> - string or array reference containing the SQL statements

=item *

C<force> - continue even if errors are encountered

=item *

C<verbose> - print each SQL statement as it is run

=item *

C<verbose_handler> - callback to call with each SQL statement instead of

=item *

C<verbose_fh> - filehandle to write to instead of C<STDOUT>

=item *

C<output_bool> - whether to exit with a nonzero exit code if any row is found

This makes the function return a nonzero value even if there is no error
but a row was found.

=item *

C<output_string> - whether to output the (one) row and column, without any



sub run_sql {
    my ($self,%args) = @_;
    my $errors = 0;

The page runs on for another hundred lines.

Would there be any method to overcome this? That seems to be a problem with the
compatability with latest MySQL occuring at Bugs 16775.

Thank you again for all the assistance extended!

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