[Koha-cvs] CVS: koha/admin marctagstructure.pl,NONE,1.1

Paul POULAIN tipaul at users.sourceforge.net
Thu May 16 18:20:43 CEST 2002

Update of /cvsroot/koha/koha/admin
In directory usw-pr-cvs1:/tmp/cvs-serv17053/admin

Added Files:
Log Message:
Beginning of marc stuff :
* in marc directory, the marcschema.sql contains now the new marc structure. The old one is in marcschema.old.sql.
* in marc directory, the fill_usmarc.pl script fills the structure tables with USMARC format in english. Thanks to steve for the BIG work getting them from LOC... It's still to do for UNIMARC in english, and of course in french for me ;-)
* in admin directory, the marctagstructure.pl script helps playing with the structure and modifying it... It's not ended (tomorrow, i hope it will be)

--- NEW FILE ---

use strict;
use C4::Output;
use CGI;
use C4::Search;
use C4::Database;

sub StringSearch  {
	my ($env,$searchstring,$type)=@_;
	my $dbh = &C4Connect;
	$searchstring=~ s/\'/\\\'/g;
	my @data=split(' ',$searchstring);
	my $count=@data;
	my $query="Select tagfield,liblibrarian,libopac,repeatable,mandatory from marc_tag_structure where (tagfield like \"$data[0]%\") order by tagfield";
	my $sth=$dbh->prepare($query);
	my @results;
	my $cnt=0;
	while (my $data=$sth->fetchrow_hashref){
	$cnt ++;
	#  $sth->execute;
	return ($cnt,\@results);

my $input = new CGI;
my $searchfield=$input->param('searchfield');
my $pkfield="tagfield";
my $reqsel="select tagfield,liblibrarian,libopac,repeatable,mandatory from marc_tag_structure where $pkfield='$searchfield'";
my $reqdel="delete from marc_tag_structure where $pkfield='$searchfield'";
my $offset=$input->param('offset');
my $script_name="/cgi-bin/koha/admin/marctagstructure.pl";

my $pagesize=20;
my $op = $input->param('op');
$searchfield=~ s/\,//g;
print $input->header;

#start the page and read in includes
print startpage();
print startmenu('admin');

################## ADD_FORM ##################################
# called by default. Used to create form to add or  modify a record
if ($op eq 'add_form') {
	#---- if primkey exists, it's a modify action, so read values to modify...
	my $data;
	if ($searchfield) {
		my $dbh = &C4Connect;
		my $sth=$dbh->prepare("select tagfield,liblibrarian,libopac,repeatable,mandatory from marc_tag_structure where $pkfield='$searchfield'");
	print <<printend
	function isNotNull(f,noalert) {
		if (f.value.length ==0) {
   return false;
		return true;
	function toUC(f) {
		var x=f.value.toUpperCase();
		return true;
	function isNum(v,maybenull) {
	var n = new Number(v.value);
	if (isNaN(n)) {
		return false;
	if (maybenull==0 && v.value=='') {
		return false;
	return true;
	function isDate(f) {
		var t = Date.parse(f.value);
		if (isNaN(t)) {
			return false;
	function Check(f) {
		var ok=1;
		var _alertString="";
		var alertString2;
		if (f.tagfield.value.length==0) {
			_alertString += "- tagfield missing\\n";
		if (f.repeatable.value!=0 && f.repeatable.value!=1) {
			_alertString += "- repeatable must be 0 or 1\\n";
		if (f.mandatory.value!=0 && f.mandatory.value!=1) {
			_alertString += "- mandatory must be 0 or 1\\n";
		if (_alertString.length==0) {
		} else {
			alertString2 = "Form not submitted because of the following problem(s)\\n";
			alertString2 += "------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\\n\\n";
			alertString2 += _alertString;
	if ($searchfield) {
		print "<h1>Modify tag</h1>";
	} else {
		print "<h1>Add tag</h1>";
	print "<form action='$script_name' name=Aform method=post>";
	print "<input type=hidden name=op value='add_validate'>";
	print "<table>";
	if ($searchfield) {
		print "<tr><td>Tag</td><td><input type=hidden name=tagfield value='$searchfield'>$searchfield</td></tr>";
	} else {
		print "<tr><td>Tag</td><td><input type=text name=tagfield size=5 maxlength=3></td></tr>";
	print "<tr><td>Value</td><td><input type=text name=liblibrarian size=80 maxlength=255 value='$data->{'liblibrarian'}'></td></tr>";
	print "<tr><td>Value</td><td><input type=text name=libopac size=80 maxlength=255 value='$data->{'libopac'}'></td></tr>";
	print "<tr><td>Value</td><td><input type=text name=repeatable value='$data->{'repeatable'}'></td></tr>";
	print "<tr><td>Value</td><td><input type=text name=mandatory value='$data->{'mandatory'}'></td></tr>";
	print "<tr><td>&nbsp;</td><td><INPUT type=button value='OK' onClick='Check(this.form)'></td></tr>";
	print "</table>";
	print "</form>";
													# END $OP eq ADD_FORM
################## ADD_VALIDATE ##################################
# called by add_form, used to insert/modify data in DB
} elsif ($op eq 'add_validate') {
	my $dbh=C4Connect;
	my $query = "replace marc_tag_structure (tagfield,liblibrarian,libopac,repeatable,mandatory) values (";
	$query.= $dbh->quote($input->param('tagfield')).",";
	$query.= $dbh->quote($input->param('liblibrarian')).",";
	$query.= $dbh->quote($input->param('libopac')).",";
	$query.= $dbh->quote($input->param('repeatable')).",";
	$query.= $dbh->quote($input->param('mandatory')).")";
	my $sth=$dbh->prepare($query);
	print "data recorded";
	print "<form action='$script_name' method=post>";
	print "<input type=submit value=OK>";
	print "</form>";
													# END $OP eq ADD_VALIDATE
################## DELETE_CONFIRM ##################################
# called by default form, used to confirm deletion of data in DB
} elsif ($op eq 'delete_confirm') {
	my $dbh = &C4Connect;
	my $sth=$dbh->prepare($reqsel);
	my $data=$sth->fetchrow_hashref;
	print mktablehdr;
	print mktablerow(2,'#99cc33',bold('Tag'),bold("$searchfield"),'/images/background-mem.gif');
	print "<tr><td>liblibrarian</td><td>$data->{'liblibrarian'}</td></tr>";
	print "<form action='$script_name' method=post><input type=hidden name=op value=delete_confirmed><input type=hidden name=searchfield value='$searchfield'>";
	print "<tr><td colspan=2 align=center>CONFIRM DELETION</td></tr>";
	print "<tr><td><INPUT type=submit value='YES'></form></td><td><form action='$script_name' method=post><input type=submit value=NO></form></td></tr>";
													# END $OP eq DELETE_CONFIRM
################## DELETE_CONFIRMED ##################################
# called by delete_confirm, used to effectively confirm deletion of data in DB
} elsif ($op eq 'delete_confirmed') {
	my $dbh=C4Connect;
#	my $searchfield=$input->param('branchcode');
	my $sth=$dbh->prepare($reqdel);
	print "data deleted";
	print "<form action='$script_name' method=post>";
	print "<input type=submit value=OK>";
	print "</form>";
													# END $OP eq DELETE_CONFIRMED
################## DEFAULT ##################################
} else { # DEFAULT
	my @inputs=(["text","searchfield",$searchfield],
	print mkheadr(2,'System preferences admin');
	print mkformnotable("$script_name", at inputs);
	print <<printend
	if  ($searchfield ne '') {
		print "You Searched for <b>$searchfield<b><p>";
	print mktablehdr;
	print mktablerow(5,'#99cc33',bold('Tag'),bold('Value'),
	my $env;
	my ($count,$results)=StringSearch($env,$searchfield,'web');
	my $toggle="white";
	for (my $i=$offset; $i < ($offset+$pagesize<$count?$offset+$pagesize:$count); $i++){
	  	if ($toggle eq 'white'){
	  	} else {
		print mktablerow(5,$toggle,$results->[$i]{'tagfield'},$results->[$i]{'liblibrarian'},mklink('','subfields_not_done'),
	print mktableft;
	print "<form action='$script_name' method=post>";
	print "<input type=hidden name=op value=add_form>";
	if ($offset>0) {
		my $prevpage = $offset-$pagesize;
		print mklink("$script_name?offset=".$prevpage,'&lt;&lt; Prev');
	print "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;";
	if ($offset+$pagesize<$count) {
		my $nextpage =$offset+$pagesize;
		print mklink("$script_name?offset=".$nextpage,'Next &gt;&gt;');
	print "<br><input type=image src=\"/images/button-add-variable.gif\"  WIDTH=188  HEIGHT=44  ALT=\"Add budget\" BORDER=0 ></a><br>";
	print "</form>";
} #---- END $OP eq DEFAULT
print endmenu('admin');
print endpage();

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