[Koha-cvs] CVS: koha/admin itemtypesearchgroups.pl,NONE,

Steve Tonnesen tonnesen at users.sourceforge.net
Tue Nov 5 20:47:14 CET 2002

Update of /cvsroot/koha/koha/admin
In directory usw-pr-cvs1:/tmp/cvs-serv24769/admin

Added Files:
      Tag: rel-1-2
Log Message:
Adding an admin script for setting up the 'class' list in the advanced search

--- NEW FILE ---

#script to administer the branches table
#written 20/02/2002 by paul.poulain at free.fr
# This software is placed under the gnu General Public License, v2 (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html)

# ALGO :
# this script use an $op to know what to do.
# if $op is empty or none of the above values,
#	- the default screen is build (with all records, or filtered datas).
#	- the   user can clic on add, modify or delete record.
# if $op=add_form
#	- if primkey exists, this is a modification,so we read the $primkey record
#	- builds the add/modify form
# if $op=add_validate
#	- the user has just send datas, so we create/modify the record
# if $op=delete_form
#	- we show the record having primkey=$primkey and ask for deletion validation form
# if $op=delete_confirm
#	- we delete the record having primkey=$primkey

use strict;
use C4::Output;
use CGI;
use C4::Search;
use C4::Database;

sub StringSearch  {
	my ($env,$searchstring,$type)=@_;
	my $dbh = &C4Connect;
	$searchstring=~ s/\'/\\\'/g;
	my @data=split(' ',$searchstring);
	my $count=@data;
	my $query="Select groupname,itemtypes from itemtypesearchgroups where (groupname like \"$data[0]%\") order by groupname";
	my $sth=$dbh->prepare($query);
	my @results;
	my $cnt=0;
	while (my $data=$sth->fetchrow_hashref){
	$cnt ++;
	#  $sth->execute;
	return ($cnt,\@results);

my $input = new CGI;
my $searchfield=$input->param('searchfield');
my $q_searchfield="'$searchfield'";
my $pkfield="groupname";
my $reqsel="select groupname,itemtypes from itemtypesearchgroups where groupname=$q_searchfield";
my $reqdel="delete from itemtypsearchgroups where groupname=$q_searchfield";
my $offset=$input->param('offset');
my $script_name="/cgi-bin/koha/admin/itemtypesearchgroups.pl";

my $pagesize=20;
my $op = $input->param('op');
$searchfield=~ s/\,//g;
print $input->header;

#start the page and read in includes
print startpage();
print startmenu('admin');

################## ADD_FORM ##################################
# called by default. Used to create form to add or  modify a record
if ($op eq 'add_form') {
	#---- if primkey exists, it's a modify action, so read values to modify...
	my $data;
	if ($searchfield) {
		my $dbh = &C4Connect;
		my $sth=$dbh->prepare("select groupname,itemtypes from itemtypesearchgroups where groupname=$q_searchfield");
	print <<printend
	function isNotNull(f,noalert) {
		if (f.value.length ==0) {
   return false;
		return true;
	function toUC(f) {
		var x=f.value.toUpperCase();
		return true;
	function isNum(v,maybenull) {
	var n = new Number(v.value);
	if (isNaN(n)) {
		return false;
	if (maybenull==0 && v.value=='') {
		return false;
	return true;
	function isDate(f) {
		var t = Date.parse(f.value);
		if (isNaN(t)) {
			return false;
	function Check(f) {
		var ok=1;
		var _alertString="";
		var alertString2;
		if (f.searchfield.value.length==0) {
			_alertString += "- Group Name missing\\n";
		if (f.itemtypes.value.length==0) {
			_alertString += "- Item Types missing\\n";
		if (_alertString.length==0) {
		} else {
			alertString2 = "Form not submitted because of the following problem(s)\\n";
			alertString2 += "------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\\n\\n";
			alertString2 += _alertString;
	if ($searchfield) {
		print "<h1>Modify branch</h1>";
	} else {
		print "<h1>Add branch</h1>";
	print "<form action='$script_name' name=Aform method=post>";
	print "<input type=hidden name=op value='add_validate'>";
	print "<table>";
	if ($searchfield) {
		print "<tr><td>Group Name</td><td><input type=hidden name=searchfield value=\"$searchfield\">$searchfield</td></tr>";
	} else {
		print "<tr><td>Group Nme</td><td><input type=text name=searchfield size=60 maxlength=60></td></tr>";
	print "<tr><td>Name</td><td><input type=text name=itemtypes size=40 maxlength=80 value='$data->{'itemtypes'}'>&nbsp;</td></tr>";
	print "<tr><td>&nbsp;</td><td><INPUT type=button value='OK' onClick='Check(this.form)'></td></tr>";
	print "</table>";
	print "</form>";
													# END $OP eq ADD_FORM
################## ADD_VALIDATE ##################################
# called by add_form, used to insert/modify data in DB
} elsif ($op eq 'add_validate') {
	my $dbh=C4Connect;
	my $query = "replace itemtypesearchgroups (groupname,itemtypes) values (";
	$query.= $dbh->quote($input->param('searchfield')).",";
	$query.= $dbh->quote($input->param('itemtypes')).")";
	my $sth=$dbh->prepare($query);
	print "data recorded";
	print "<form action='$script_name' method=post>";
	print "<input type=submit value=OK>";
	print "</form>";
													# END $OP eq ADD_VALIDATE
################## DELETE_CONFIRM ##################################
# called by default form, used to confirm deletion of data in DB
} elsif ($op eq 'delete_confirm') {
	my $dbh = &C4Connect;
	my $sth=$dbh->prepare("select count(*) as total from borrowers where branchcode='$searchfield'");
	my $total = $sth->fetchrow_hashref;
	print "$reqsel";
	my $sth=$dbh->prepare($reqsel);
	my $data=$sth->fetchrow_hashref;
	print mktablehdr;
	print mktablerow(2,'#99cc33',bold('Branch code'),bold("$searchfield"),'/images/background-mem.gif');
	print "<form action='$script_name' method=post><input type=hidden name=op value=delete_confirmed><input type=hidden name=searchfield value='$searchfield'>";
	print "<tr><td>Group Name</td><td>$data->{'searchfield'}</td></tr>";
	print "<tr><td>Item Types</td><td>$data->{'itemtypes'}</td></tr>";
	print "<tr><td colspan=2 align=center>CONFIRM DELETION</td></tr>";
	print "<tr><td><INPUT type=submit value='YES'></form></td><td><form action='$script_name' method=post><input type=submit value=NO></form></td></tr>";
													# END $OP eq DELETE_CONFIRM
################## DELETE_CONFIRMED ##################################
# called by delete_confirm, used to effectively confirm deletion of data in DB
} elsif ($op eq 'delete_confirmed') {
	my $dbh=C4Connect;
#	my $searchfield=$input->param('branchcode');
	my $sth=$dbh->prepare($reqdel);
	print "data deleted";
	print "<form action='$script_name' method=post>";
	print "<input type=submit value=OK>";
	print "</form>";
													# END $OP eq DELETE_CONFIRMED
################## DEFAULT ##################################
} else { # DEFAULT
	my @inputs=(["text","searchfield",$searchfield],
	print mkheadr(2,'Item Type Search Group Admin');
	print mkformnotable("$script_name", at inputs);
	print <<printend

	if  ($searchfield ne '') {
		print "You Searched for <b>$searchfield<b><p>";
	print mktablehdr;
	print mktablerow(4,'#99cc33',bold('Group Name'),bold('Item Types'),
	my $env;
	my ($count,$results)=StringSearch($env,$searchfield,'web');
	my $toggle="white";
	for (my $i=$offset; $i < ($offset+$pagesize<$count?$offset+$pagesize:$count); $i++){
	  	if ($toggle eq 'white'){
	  	} else {
		print mktablerow(4,$toggle,$results->[$i]{'groupname'},$results->[$i]{'itemtypes'},
	print mktableft;
	print "<form action='$script_name' method=post>";
	print "<input type=hidden name=op value=add_form>";
	if ($offset>0) {
		my $prevpage = $offset-$pagesize;
		print mklink("$script_name?offset=".$prevpage,'&lt;&lt; Prev');
	print "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;";
	if ($offset+$pagesize<$count) {
		my $nextpage =$offset+$pagesize;
		print mklink("$script_name?offset=".$nextpage,'Next &gt;&gt;');
	print "<br><input type=image src=\"/images/button-add-new.gif\"  WIDTH=188  HEIGHT=44  ALT=\"Add branch\" BORDER=0 ></a><br>";
	print "</form>";
} #---- END $OP eq DEFAULT
print endmenu('admin');
print endpage();

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