[Koha-cvs] koha C4/Search.pm koha-tmpl/intranet-tmpl/prog/... [rel_3_0]

paul poulain paul at koha-fr.org
Tue Oct 24 14:29:02 CEST 2006

CVSROOT:	/sources/koha
Module name:	koha
Branch:		rel_3_0
Changes by:	paul poulain <tipaul>	06/10/24 12:29:02

Modified files:
	C4             : Search.pm 
	koha-tmpl/intranet-tmpl/prog/en/catalogue: results.tmpl 
	koha-tmpl/intranet-tmpl/prog/en/includes: intranet.css 

Log message:
	- re-indenting results.tmpl & search.pm/getRecords with spaces only
	- adding css for refine your search
	- adding css for search termhilighting


Index: C4/Search.pm
RCS file: /sources/koha/koha/C4/Search.pm,v
retrieving revision
retrieving revision
diff -u -b -r1.120.2.15 -r1.120.2.16
--- C4/Search.pm	23 Oct 2006 13:26:48 -0000
+++ C4/Search.pm	24 Oct 2006 12:29:01 -0000
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@
 # set the version for version checking
-$VERSION = do { my @v = '$Revision: $' =~ /\d+/g;
+$VERSION = do { my @v = '$Revision: $' =~ /\d+/g;
           shift(@v) . "." . join("_", map {sprintf "%03d", $_ } @v); };
 =head1 NAME
@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@
 &getwebsites &getwebbiblioitems &FindDuplicate
 &isbnsearch &getbranchname &getborrowercategory &getborrowercategoryinfo 
-&searchZOOM &searchResults &getRecords &buildQuery &catalogsearch
+&searchResults &getRecords &buildQuery &catalogsearch
 &getMARCnotes &getMARCsubjects &getMARCurls);
 # make all your functions, whether exported or not;
@@ -2555,198 +2555,198 @@
 }  #end getMARCurls
 # deprecated
-sub searchZOOM {
-    my ($search_or_scan,$type,$query,$num,$startfrom,$then_sort_by,$expanded_facet) = @_;
-	# establish database connections
-    my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh;
-    my $zconn=C4::Context->Zconn("biblioserver");
-	my $branches = GetBranches();
-	# make sure all is well with the connection
-    if ($zconn eq "error") {
-        return("error with connection",undef); #FIXME: better error handling
-    }
-    my $koha_query_obj;
-	# prepare the query depending on the type
-    if ($type eq 'ccl') {
-		#$query =~ s/(\(|\))//g;
-        eval {
-        	$koha_query_obj = new ZOOM::Query::CCL2RPN($query,$zconn);
-		};
-		if ($@) {
-            return ("error: Sorry, there was a problem with your query: $@",undef); #FIXME: better error handling
-		}
-    } elsif ($type eq 'cql') {
-        eval {
-            $koha_query_obj = new ZOOM::Query::CQL2RPN($query,$zconn);
-        };
-        if ($@) {
-            return ("error: Sorry, there was a problem with your query: $@",undef); #FIXME: better error handling
-        }
-    } else {
-        eval {
-            $koha_query_obj = new ZOOM::Query::PQF($query);
-        };
-        if ($@) {
-            return("error with search: $@",undef); #FIXME: better error handling
-        }
-    }
-    my $result;
-    my @results;
-    my $numresults;
-    if ($search_or_scan =~ /scan/) {
-        eval {
-            $result = $zconn->scan($koha_query_obj);
-        };
-        if ($@) {
-            return ("error with scan: $@",undef);
-        }
-    } else {
-        eval {
-            $result = $zconn->search($koha_query_obj);
-        };
-        if ($@) {
-            return("error with search: $@",undef); #FIXME: better error handling
-        }
-    }
-    if ($then_sort_by) {
-        $result->sort("yaz", "$then_sort_by")
-    }
-	### New Facets Stuff
-	my $facets_counter = ();
-	my $facets_info = ();
-	my $facets = [ {
-		link_value => 'su',
-		label_value => 'Subject - Topic',
-		tags => ['650', '651',],
-		subfield => 'a',
-		},
-		{
-        link_value => 'au',
-        label_value => 'Authors',
-        tags => ['100','700',],
-        subfield => 'a',
-		},
-		{
-        link_value => 'se',
-        label_value => 'Series',
-        tags => ['440','490',],
-        subfield => 'a',
-        },
-		{
-        link_value => 'branch',
-        label_value => 'Branches',
-        tags => ['952',],
-        subfield => 'b',
-		expanded => '1',
-        },
-	];
-	my @facets_loop; # stores the ref to array of hashes for template
-    $numresults = 0 | $result->size() if  ($result);
-    for ( my $i=$startfrom; $i<(($startfrom+$num<=$numresults) ? ($startfrom+$num):$numresults) ; $i++){
-		## This is just an index scan
-        if  ($search_or_scan =~ /scan/) {
-            my ($term,$occ) = $result->term($i);
-            # here we create a minimal MARC record and hand it off to the
-            # template just like a normal result ... perhaps not ideal, but
-            # it works for now FIXME: distinguish between MARC21 and UNIMARC
-            use MARC::Record;
-            my $tmprecord = MARC::Record->new();
-            $tmprecord->encoding('UTF-8');
-            my $tmptitle = MARC::Field->new( '245',' ',' ',
-                        a => $term,
-                        b => $occ);
-			$tmprecord->append_fields($tmptitle);
-            push @results, $tmprecord->as_usmarc();
-		## This is a real search
-        } else {
-            my $rec = $result->record($i);
-            push(@results,$rec->raw()) if $rec; #FIXME: sometimes this fails
-            ##### BUILD FACETS AND LIMITS ####
-			my $facet_record = MARC::Record->new_from_usmarc($rec->raw());
-			for (my $i=0;$i<=@$facets;$i++) {
-					if ($facets->[$i]) {
-						my @fields;
-						for my $tag (@{$facets->[$i]->{'tags'}}) {	
-							push @fields, $facet_record->field($tag);
-						}
-						for my $field (@fields) {
-							my @subfields = $field->subfields();
-							for my $subfield (@subfields) {
-								my ($code,$data) = @$subfield;
-								if ($code eq $facets->[$i]->{'subfield'}) {
-									$facets_counter->{ $facets->[$i]->{'link_value'} }->{ $data }++;
-								}
-							}	
-						}	
-						$facets_info->{ $facets->[$i]->{'link_value'} }->{ 'label_value' } = $facets->[$i]->{'label_value'};
-						$facets_info->{ $facets->[$i]->{'link_value'} }->{ 'expanded' } = $facets->[$i]->{'expanded'};
-					}
-			}
-        }
-    }
-	for my $link_value ( sort { $facets_counter->{$b} <=> $facets_counter->{$a} } keys %$facets_counter) { 
-		my $expandable;
-		my $number_of_facets;
-		my @this_facets_array;
-		for my $one_facet (sort { $facets_counter->{ $link_value }->{$b} <=> $facets_counter->{ $link_value }->{$a} } keys %{$facets_counter->{ $link_value }} ) {
-			$number_of_facets++;
-			if (($number_of_facets < 6) || ($expanded_facet eq $link_value) || ($facets_info->{ $link_value }->{ 'expanded'})) {
-				# sanitize the link value ), ( will cause errors with CCL
-				my $facet_link_value = $one_facet;
-				$facet_link_value =~ s/(\(|\))/ /g;
-				# fix the length that will display in the label
-				my $facet_label_value = $one_facet;
-				$facet_label_value = substr($one_facet,0,20)."..." unless length($facet_label_value)<=20;
-				# well, if it's a branch, label by the name, not the code
-				if ($link_value =~/branch/) {
-					#warn "branch";
-					$facet_label_value = $branches->{$one_facet}->{'branchname'};
-				}
-				# but we're down with the whole label being in the link's title
-				my $facet_title_value = $one_facet;
-				push @this_facets_array , 
-				( { facet_count => $facets_counter->{ $link_value }->{ $one_facet }, 
-					facet_label_value => $facet_label_value,
-					facet_title_value => $facet_title_value,
-					facet_link_value => $facet_link_value,
-					type_link_value => $link_value,
-					},
-				);
-				}
-		}
-		unless ($facets_info->{ $link_value }->{ 'expanded'}) {
-			$expandable=1 if (($number_of_facets > 6) && ($expanded_facet ne $link_value));
-		}
-		push @facets_loop, 
-		( {	type_link_value => $link_value,
-			type_id => $link_value."_id",
-			type_label  => $facets_info->{ $link_value }->{ 'label_value' },
-			facets => \@this_facets_array,
-			expandable => $expandable,
-			expand => $link_value,
-			}
-		); 
-	}
-	return(undef,$numresults,\@facets_loop, at results);
+# sub searchZOOM_deprecated {
+#     my ($search_or_scan,$type,$query,$num,$startfrom,$then_sort_by,$expanded_facet) = @_;
+# 	# establish database connections
+#     my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh;
+#     my $zconn=C4::Context->Zconn("biblioserver");
+# 	my $branches = GetBranches();
+# 	# make sure all is well with the connection
+#     if ($zconn eq "error") {
+#         return("error with connection",undef); #FIXME: better error handling
+#     }
+#     my $koha_query_obj;
+# 	# prepare the query depending on the type
+#     if ($type eq 'ccl') {
+# 		#$query =~ s/(\(|\))//g;
+#         eval {
+#         	$koha_query_obj = new ZOOM::Query::CCL2RPN($query,$zconn);
+# 		};
+# 		if ($@) {
+#             return ("error: Sorry, there was a problem with your query: $@",undef); #FIXME: better error handling
+# 		}
+#     } elsif ($type eq 'cql') {
+#         eval {
+#             $koha_query_obj = new ZOOM::Query::CQL2RPN($query,$zconn);
+#         };
+#         if ($@) {
+#             return ("error: Sorry, there was a problem with your query: $@",undef); #FIXME: better error handling
+#         }
+#     } else {
+#         eval {
+#             $koha_query_obj = new ZOOM::Query::PQF($query);
+#         };
+#         if ($@) {
+#             return("error with search: $@",undef); #FIXME: better error handling
+#         }
+#     }
+#     my $result;
+#     my @results;
+#     my $numresults;
+#     if ($search_or_scan =~ /scan/) {
+#         eval {
+#             $result = $zconn->scan($koha_query_obj);
+#         };
+#         if ($@) {
+#             return ("error with scan: $@",undef);
+#         }
+#     } else {
+#         eval {
+#             $result = $zconn->search($koha_query_obj);
+#         };
+#         if ($@) {
+#             return("error with search: $@",undef); #FIXME: better error handling
+#         }
+#     }
+#     if ($then_sort_by) {
+#         $result->sort("yaz", "$then_sort_by")
+#     }
+# 	### New Facets Stuff
+# 	my $facets_counter = ();
+# 	my $facets_info = ();
+# 	my $facets = [ {
+# 		link_value => 'su',
+# 		label_value => 'Subject - Topic',
+# 		tags => ['650', '651',],
+# 		subfield => 'a',
+# 		},
+# 		{
+#         link_value => 'au',
+#         label_value => 'Authors',
+#         tags => ['100','700',],
+#         subfield => 'a',
+# 		},
+# 		{
+#         link_value => 'se',
+#         label_value => 'Series',
+#         tags => ['440','490',],
+#         subfield => 'a',
+#         },
+# 		{
+#         link_value => 'branch',
+#         label_value => 'Branches',
+#         tags => ['952',],
+#         subfield => 'b',
+# 		expanded => '1',
+#         },
+# 	];
+# 	my @facets_loop; # stores the ref to array of hashes for template
+#     $numresults = 0 | $result->size() if  ($result);
+#     for ( my $i=$startfrom; $i<(($startfrom+$num<=$numresults) ? ($startfrom+$num):$numresults) ; $i++){
+# 		## This is just an index scan
+#         if  ($search_or_scan =~ /scan/) {
+#             my ($term,$occ) = $result->term($i);
+#             # here we create a minimal MARC record and hand it off to the
+#             # template just like a normal result ... perhaps not ideal, but
+#             # it works for now FIXME: distinguish between MARC21 and UNIMARC
+#             use MARC::Record;
+#             my $tmprecord = MARC::Record->new();
+#             $tmprecord->encoding('UTF-8');
+#             my $tmptitle = MARC::Field->new( '245',' ',' ',
+#                         a => $term,
+#                         b => $occ);
+# 			$tmprecord->append_fields($tmptitle);
+#             push @results, $tmprecord->as_usmarc();
+# 		## This is a real search
+#         } else {
+#             my $rec = $result->record($i);
+#             push(@results,$rec->raw()) if $rec; #FIXME: sometimes this fails
+#             ##### BUILD FACETS AND LIMITS ####
+# 			my $facet_record = MARC::Record->new_from_usmarc($rec->raw());
+# 			for (my $i=0;$i<=@$facets;$i++) {
+# 					if ($facets->[$i]) {
+# 						my @fields;
+# 						for my $tag (@{$facets->[$i]->{'tags'}}) {	
+# 							push @fields, $facet_record->field($tag);
+# 						}
+# 						for my $field (@fields) {
+# 							my @subfields = $field->subfields();
+# 							for my $subfield (@subfields) {
+# 								my ($code,$data) = @$subfield;
+# 								if ($code eq $facets->[$i]->{'subfield'}) {
+# 									$facets_counter->{ $facets->[$i]->{'link_value'} }->{ $data }++;
+# 								}
+# 							}	
+# 						}	
+# 						$facets_info->{ $facets->[$i]->{'link_value'} }->{ 'label_value' } = $facets->[$i]->{'label_value'};
+# 						$facets_info->{ $facets->[$i]->{'link_value'} }->{ 'expanded' } = $facets->[$i]->{'expanded'};
+# 					}
+# 			}
+#         }
+#     }
+# 	for my $link_value ( sort { $facets_counter->{$b} <=> $facets_counter->{$a} } keys %$facets_counter) { 
+# 		my $expandable;
+# 		my $number_of_facets;
+# 		my @this_facets_array;
+# 		for my $one_facet (sort { $facets_counter->{ $link_value }->{$b} <=> $facets_counter->{ $link_value }->{$a} } keys %{$facets_counter->{ $link_value }} ) {
+# 			$number_of_facets++;
+# 			if (($number_of_facets < 6) || ($expanded_facet eq $link_value) || ($facets_info->{ $link_value }->{ 'expanded'})) {
+# 				# sanitize the link value ), ( will cause errors with CCL
+# 				my $facet_link_value = $one_facet;
+# 				$facet_link_value =~ s/(\(|\))/ /g;
+# 				# fix the length that will display in the label
+# 				my $facet_label_value = $one_facet;
+# 				$facet_label_value = substr($one_facet,0,20)."..." unless length($facet_label_value)<=20;
+# 				# well, if it's a branch, label by the name, not the code
+# 				if ($link_value =~/branch/) {
+# 					#warn "branch";
+# 					$facet_label_value = $branches->{$one_facet}->{'branchname'};
+# 				}
+# 				# but we're down with the whole label being in the link's title
+# 				my $facet_title_value = $one_facet;
+# 				push @this_facets_array , 
+# 				( { facet_count => $facets_counter->{ $link_value }->{ $one_facet }, 
+# 					facet_label_value => $facet_label_value,
+# 					facet_title_value => $facet_title_value,
+# 					facet_link_value => $facet_link_value,
+# 					type_link_value => $link_value,
+# 					},
+# 				);
+# 				}
+# 		}
+# 		unless ($facets_info->{ $link_value }->{ 'expanded'}) {
+# 			$expandable=1 if (($number_of_facets > 6) && ($expanded_facet ne $link_value));
+# 		}
+# 		push @facets_loop, 
+# 		( {	type_link_value => $link_value,
+# 			type_id => $link_value."_id",
+# 			type_label  => $facets_info->{ $link_value }->{ 'label_value' },
+# 			facets => \@this_facets_array,
+# 			expandable => $expandable,
+# 			expand => $link_value,
+# 			}
+# 		); 
+# 	}
+# 	return(undef,$numresults,\@facets_loop, at results);
+# }
 # performs the search
 sub getRecords {
@@ -2779,25 +2779,30 @@
 		else {
 			$query_to_use = $federated_query;
+#  		warn "HERE : $query_type => $query_to_use";
 		# check if we've got a query_type defined
 		eval {
 		if ($query_type) {
 			if ($query_type =~/^ccl/) {
 				$query_to_use =~ s/\:/\=/g; # change : to = last minute (FIXME)
+# 				warn "CCL : $query_to_use";
 				$results[$i] = $zconns[$i]->search(new ZOOM::Query::CCL2RPN($query_to_use,$zconns[$i]));
 			elsif ($query_type =~/^cql/) {
+# 				warn "CQL : $query_to_use";
 				$results[$i] = $zconns[$i]->search(new ZOOM::Query::CQL($query_to_use,$zconns[$i]));
 			elsif ($query_type =~/^pqf/) {
+# 				warn "PQF : $query_to_use";
 				$results[$i] = $zconns[$i]->search(new ZOOM::Query::PQF($query_to_use,$zconns[$i]));
 		else {
 			if ($scan) {
-				warn "preparing to scan";
+# 				warn "preparing to scan";
 				$results[$i] = $zconns[$i]->scan(new ZOOM::Query::CCL2RPN($query_to_use,$zconns[$i]));
 			} else {
+# 			warn "LAST : $query_to_use";
 				$results[$i] = $zconns[$i]->search(new ZOOM::Query::CCL2RPN($query_to_use,$zconns[$i]));
@@ -3004,19 +3009,18 @@
 					$weighted_query.= " rk=(";                               # Specifies that we're applying rank
 					# keyword has different weight properties
 					if (($index =~ /kw/) || (!$index)) { # FIXME: do I need to add right-truncation in the case of stemming?
 						# a simple way to find out if this query uses an index
 						if ($operand =~ /(\=|\:)/) {
 							$weighted_query .= " $operand";
 						else {
-                        	$weighted_query .= " Title-cover,ext,r1=\"$operand\"";        # index label as exact 
+                            $weighted_query .= " Title-cover,ext,r1=$operand";        # index label as exact 
                         	$weighted_query .= " or ti,ext,r2=$operand";         # index as exact 
                         	#$weighted_query .= " or ti,phr,r3=$operand";              # index as  phrase
                         	#$weighted_query .= " or any,ext,r4=$operand";         # index as exact 
                         	$weighted_query .= " or kw,wrdl,r5=$operand";         # index as exact 
 							$weighted_query .= " or wrd,fuzzy,r9=$operand";
-							#$weighted_query .= " or wrd=$stemmed_operand" if $stemming;
+                            $weighted_query .= " or wrd=$stemmed_operand" if $stemming;
 					elsif ($index =~ /au/) {
@@ -3024,16 +3028,12 @@
                         #$weighted_query .= " or (title-sort-az=0 or $index,startswithnt,st-word,r3=$operand #)";
 						$weighted_query .= " or $index,phr,r3=$operand";              # index as phrase
                         $weighted_query .= " or $index,rt,wrd,r3=$operand";
 					elsif ($index =~ /ti/) {
                         $weighted_query .= " Title-cover,ext,r1=$operand";        # index label as exact
 						$weighted_query .= " or Title-series,ext,r2=$operand";
-						#$weighted_query .= " or ti,ext,r2=$operand";
-						#$weighted_query .= " or ti,phr,r3=$operand";
-						#$weighted_query .= " or ti,wrd,r3=$operand";
 						$weighted_query .= " or (title-sort-az=0 or Title-cover,startswithnt,st-word,r3=$operand #)";
-						$weighted_query .= " or (title-sort-az=0 or Title-cover,phr,r6=$operand)";
+                        #$weighted_query .= " or (title-sort-az=0 or Title-cover,phr,r4=$operand)";
 						#$weighted_query .= " or Title-cover,wrd,r5=$operand";
 						#$weighted_query .= " or ti,ext,r6=$operand";
 						#$weighted_query .= " or ti,startswith,phr,r7=$operand";
@@ -3059,7 +3059,7 @@
             # only add an operator if there is a previous operand
             if ($previous_operand) {
                 if ($operators[$i-1]) {
-                    	$query.=" $operators[$i-1] $operand";
+                        $query.=" $operators[$i-1] $index: $operand";
 						if (!$index) {
 							$human_search_desc.="  $operators[$i-1] $operands[$i]";
@@ -3069,16 +3069,17 @@
                 # the default operator is and
                 else {
-                    	$query.=" and $operand";
+                        $query.=" and $index: $operand";
 						$human_search_desc.="  and $index: $operands[$i]";
             else {
-                	$query.=" $operand";
 					if (!$index) {
+                        $query.=" $operand";
 						$human_search_desc.="  $operands[$i]";
 					else {
+                        $query.=" $index: $operand";
 						$human_search_desc.="  $index: $operands[$i]";
                 $previous_operand = 1;
@@ -3090,46 +3091,25 @@
     # add limits
 	my $limit_query;
 	my $limit_search_desc;
-	# FIXME: should write up some documentation about the design goals here
     foreach my $limit (@limits) {
 		# FIXME: not quite right yet ... will work on this soon -- JF
-        my $type=$1 if $limit=~m/([^:]+):([^:]*)/;
 		if ($limit =~ /available/) {
-			$limit_query.=" (($query and datedue=0000-00-00) or ($query and datedue=0000-00-00 not lost=1) or ($query and datedue=0000-00-00 not lost=2))";
+            $limit_query.=" and (($query and datedue=0000-00-00) or ($query and datedue=0000-00-00 not lost=1) or ($query and datedue=0000-00-00 not lost=2))";
 			#$limit_search_desc.=" and available";
-		elsif (($limit_query) && (index($limit_query,$type,0)>0)) {
-            if ($limit_query!~/\(/){
-			   $limit_query= substr($limit_query,0,index($limit_query,$type,0))."(".substr($limit_query,index($limit_query,$type,0))." or $limit )" if $limit;
-			   $limit_search_desc= substr($limit_search_desc,0,index($limit_search_desc,$type,0))."(".substr($limit_search_desc,index($limit_search_desc,$type,0))." or $limit )" if $limit;
-            } else {
-              chop $limit_query;
-              chop $limit_search_desc;
-              $limit_query.=" or $limit )" if $limit;
-              $limit_search_desc.=" or $limit )" if $limit;
-            }
-		}
 		elsif (($limit_query) && ($limit =~/mc/)) {
 			$limit_query.=" or $limit" if $limit;
 			$limit_search_desc.=" or $limit" if $limit;
-		# these are treated as AND
-		elsif ($limit_query) {
+        elsif (($limit_query) || ($query)) {
         	$limit_query.=" and $limit" if $limit;
 			$limit_search_desc.=" and $limit" if $limit;
-		# otherwise, there is nothing but the limit
 		else {
         	$limit_query.="$limit" if $limit;
         	$limit_search_desc.="$limit" if $limit;
-	# if there's also a query, we need to AND the limits to it
-	if (($limit_query) && ($query)) {
-		$limit_query=" and (".$limit_query.")";
-		$limit_search_desc=" and ($limit_search_desc)" if $limit_search_desc;
-    }
 	$query .= $limit_query;
 	$human_search_desc .= $limit_search_desc;
 	# now normalize the strings
@@ -3146,9 +3126,9 @@
 	$human_search_desc =~ s/  / /g;
 	$human_search_desc =~s/^ //g;	
 	my $koha_query = $query;
-	#warn "QUERY:".$koha_query;
-	#warn "SEARCHDESC:".$human_search_desc;
-	#warn "FEDERATED QUERY:".$federated_query;
+#     warn "QUERY:".$koha_query;
+#     warn "SEARCHDESC:".$human_search_desc;
+#     warn "FEDERATED QUERY:".$federated_query;
     return (undef,$human_search_desc,$koha_query,$federated_query);

Index: koha-tmpl/intranet-tmpl/prog/en/catalogue/results.tmpl
RCS file: /sources/koha/koha/koha-tmpl/intranet-tmpl/prog/en/catalogue/Attic/results.tmpl,v
retrieving revision
retrieving revision
diff -u -b -r1.1.2.9 -r1.1.2.10
--- koha-tmpl/intranet-tmpl/prog/en/catalogue/results.tmpl	23 Oct 2006 16:52:35 -0000
+++ koha-tmpl/intranet-tmpl/prog/en/catalogue/results.tmpl	24 Oct 2006 12:29:01 -0000
@@ -3,43 +3,86 @@
 <!-- TMPL_INCLUDE NAME="menus.inc" -->
 <!-- TMPL_INCLUDE NAME="menu-catalogue.inc" -->
-<div class="content-block">
-<!-- TMPL_IF NAME="koha_spsuggest" --><div style="font-size: 12px;">Did you mean: <ul style="list-style: none;"><!-- TMPL_LOOP NAME="SPELL_SUGGEST" --> <li><a href="search.pl?q=<!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="spsuggestion" -->"><!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="spsuggestion" --></a></li><!-- /TMPL_LOOP --></ul></div><!-- /TMPL_IF -->
-<!-- TMPL_IF NAME="total" -->
-<!-- TMPL_ELSE -->
-<!-- TMPL_IF NAME="searchdesc" -->
-<h3> No Result found !</h3>
+    <!-- TMPL_IF NAME="opacfacets" -->
+    <div id="facets">
+    <h2>Refine Your Search</h2>
+    <ul>
+    <!-- TMPL_LOOP NAME="facets_loop" -->
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+        <ul>
+        <!-- TMPL_LOOP NAME="facets" -->
+            <li>
+                <a href="/cgi-bin/koha/catalogue/search.pl?q=<!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="searchdesc" --> and <!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="type_link_value" -->:<!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="facet_link_value" -->" title="<!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="facet_title_value" -->">
+                    <!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="facet_label_value" -->
+                </a> (<!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="facet_count" -->)
+            </li>
+        <!-- /TMPL_LOOP -->
+        <!-- TMPL_IF NAME="expandable" -->
+            <li class="showmore">
+                <a href="/search?q=<!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="searchdesc" -->&amp;expand=<!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="expand" -->#<!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="type_id" -->">
+                    Show More
+                </a>
+            </li>
+        <!-- /TMPL_IF -->
+        </ul>
+    </li>
+    <!-- /TMPL_LOOP -->
+    </ul>
+    </div>
+    <!-- /TMPL_IF -->
+    <!-- TMPL_IF NAME="koha_spsuggest" -->
+        <div style="font-size: 12px;">Did you mean: 
+            <ul style="list-style: none;">
+            <!-- TMPL_LOOP NAME="SPELL_SUGGEST" -->
+            <li>
+                <a href="search.pl?q=<!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="spsuggestion" -->"><!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="spsuggestion" --></a>
+            </li>
+            <!-- /TMPL_LOOP -->
+            </ul>
+        </div>
+    <!-- /TMPL_IF -->
+    <!-- TMPL_IF NAME="total" -->
+    <!-- TMPL_ELSE -->
+        <!-- TMPL_IF NAME="searchdesc" -->
+            <h3> No Result found !</h3>
+            <p>
     No results match your search for <span style="font-weight: bold;">&ldquo;<!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="searchdesc" -->&rdquo;</span> in <!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="LibraryName" --> Catalog.
-<a href="search.pl" title="New search">Perform a new search</a>
-<!-- TMPL_ELSE -->
-<h3> No result found !</h3>
+            </p>
+            <a href="search.pl" title="New search">Perform a new search</a>
+        <!-- TMPL_ELSE -->
+            <h3> No result found !</h3>
+            <p>
  You did not specify any search criteria.
-<a href="search.pl" title="New search">Perform a new search</a>
-<!-- /TMPL_IF -->
-<!-- /TMPL_IF -->
-<!-- TMPL_IF NAME="query_error" -->
-<br /><br />
-Error : 
-<span  class="problem">
+            </p>
+            <a href="search.pl" title="New search">Perform a new search</a>
+        <!-- /TMPL_IF -->
+    <!-- /TMPL_IF -->
+    <!-- TMPL_IF NAME="query_error" -->
+        <br /><br />
+        Error : 
+        <span  class="problem">
     <!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="query_error" -->
-<!-- /TMPL_IF -->
+        </span>
+    <!-- /TMPL_IF -->
-<!-- Search Results Table -->
-<!-- TMPL_IF NAME="total" -->
-<h3><!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="total" --> results found.</h3>
-<!-- TMPL_IF NAME="scan" -->
-<h1>Scan Index:</h1>
+    <!-- Search Results Table -->
+    <!-- TMPL_IF NAME="total" -->
+        <h3><!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="total" --> results found.</h3>
+        <!-- TMPL_IF NAME="scan" -->
+            <h1>Scan Index:</h1>
                 <form action="search.pl" method="get">
-        <tr><td>
+            <table>
+                <tr>
+                    <td>
 	Scan Index for: <input type="text" name="qf" id="scan-index" size="35" value="" />
-	</tr><tr><td>
+                </tr>
+                <tr>
+                    <td>
                 <label for="scan-index">Indexed in:</label>
                 <select name="idx" id="scan-index">
                 <option value="">Any Word</option>
@@ -57,48 +100,52 @@
                 <option value="ss:">ISSN</option>
 		<input type="hidden" name="scan" value="1" />
+                    </td>
+                </tr>
+            </table>
+            </form>
-<form action="search.pl" method="get">
+            <form action="search.pl" method="get">
+            <table>
-			<tr<!-- TMPL_IF name="even" --> class="highlight"<!-- /TMPL_IF -->><td>
+                <!-- TMPL_LOOP NAME="SEARCH_RESULTS" -->
+                    <tr<!-- TMPL_IF name="even" --> class="highlight"<!-- /TMPL_IF -->>
+                        <td>
                         <a href="search.pl?q=<!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="scan_use" escape="url" -->&quot;<!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="title" -->&quot;"><!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="title" --></a>
 			<!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="subtitle" -->
-			</td></tr>
-<!-- /TMPL_LOOP -->
-<!-- TMPL_ELSE -->
+                        </td>
+                    </tr>
+                <!-- /TMPL_LOOP -->
+            </table>
+            </form>
+        <!-- TMPL_ELSE -->
-<form action="search.pl" method="get" name="myform" id="mainform">
+            <form action="search.pl" method="get" name="myform" id="mainform">
 	<!-- TMPL_IF NAME="searchdesc" -->
     <input type="hidden" name="q" value="<!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="searchdesc" escape="html" -->" />
 	<!-- /TMPL_IF -->
 	<!-- TMPL_IF NAME="sort_by_loop" -->
-    <p><select id="sort_by" name="sort_by" onChange="document.myform.submit();">
+                    <p>
+                    <select id="sort_by" name="sort_by" onChange="document.myform.submit();">
         <option value="">Field-weighted, Relevance Ranked</option>
         <!-- TMPL_LOOP NAME="sort_by_loop" -->
         <option value="<!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="value" -->" <!-- TMPL_IF NAME="selected" -->selected="<!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="selected" -->"<!-- /TMPL_IF -->><!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="label" --></option>
         <!-- /TMPL_LOOP -->
 	<input type="submit" value="Re-sort" class="submit" />
-        <a href="http://wiki.koha.org/?id=en:opachelp#sort_by" class="help"  onclick="window.open('http://wiki.koha.org/?id=en:opachelp#sort_by','Sort By Help','width=350,top=50,left=50,resizable,scrollbars,height=650');  return false;">[ ? ]</a></p>
+                    <a href="http://wiki.koha.org/?id=en:opachelp#sort_by" class="help"  onclick="window.open('http://wiki.koha.org/?id=en:opachelp#sort_by','Sort By Help','width=350,top=50,left=50,resizable,scrollbars,height=650');  return false;">[ ? ]</a>
+                    </p>
 	<!-- /TMPL_IF -->
-<div class="searchresults"><table>
+                <div class="searchresults">
+                <table>
@@ -108,47 +155,113 @@
 		<!-- Actual Search Results -->
-		<!-- TMPL_IF name="even" --><tr class="highlight"><!-- TMPL_ELSE --><tr><!-- /TMPL_IF -->
-			<!-- TMPL_IF NAME="AmazonContent" --><td><a class="p1" href="/cgi-bin/koha/detail.pl?bib=<!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="biblionumber" ESCAPE="URL" -->"><img src="<!-- TMPL_IF NAME="isbn" -->http://images.amazon.com/images/P/<!-- TMPL_VAR name="isbn" -->.01.TZZZZZZZ.jpg<!-- TMPL_ELSE -->http://g-images.amazon.com/images/G/01/x-site/icons/no-img-sm.gif<!-- /TMPL_IF -->" alt="image" class="thumbnail" /></a></td><!-- /TMPL_IF -->
-			<td><p><!-- TMPL_IF name="BiblioDefaultViewmarc" --><a class="title" href="/cgi-bin/koha/catalogue/MARCdetail.pl?bib=<!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="biblionumber" ESCAPE="URL" -->"><!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="title" --> <!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="subtitle" --></a><!-- TMPL_ELSE --><!-- TMPL_IF name="BiblioDefaultViewisbd" --><a class="title" href="/cgi-bin/koha/catalogue/ISBDdetail.pl?bib=<!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="biblionumber" ESCAPE="URL" -->"><!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="title" --> <!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="subtitle" --></a><!-- TMPL_ELSE --><a class="title" href="/cgi-bin/koha/catalogue/detail.pl?bib=<!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="biblionumber" ESCAPE="URL" -->"><!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="title" --> <!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="subtitle" --></a><!-- /TMPL_IF --><!-- /TMPL_IF --></p> 
-<p> <!-- TMPL_IF NAME="author" --><a href="search.pl?q=au:<!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="author" ESCAPE="URL" -->"><!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="author" --></a><!-- TMPL_ELSE -->&nbsp;<!-- /TMPL_IF -->
+                            <!-- TMPL_IF name="even" -->
+                                <tr class="highlight">
+                            <!-- TMPL_ELSE -->
+                                <tr>
+                            <!-- /TMPL_IF -->
+                            <!-- TMPL_IF NAME="AmazonContent" -->
+                                <td>
+                                    <a class="p1" href="/cgi-bin/koha/detail.pl?bib=<!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="biblionumber" ESCAPE="URL" -->">
+                                        <img src="<!-- TMPL_IF NAME="isbn" -->http://images.amazon.com/images/P/<!-- TMPL_VAR name="isbn" -->.01.TZZZZZZZ.jpg<!-- TMPL_ELSE -->http://g-images.amazon.com/images/G/01/x-site/icons/no-img-sm.gif<!-- /TMPL_IF -->" alt="image" class="thumbnail" />
+                                    </a>
+                                </td>
+                            <!-- /TMPL_IF -->
+                            <td>
+                                <p>
+                                    <!-- TMPL_IF name="BiblioDefaultViewmarc" -->
+                                        <a class="title" href="/cgi-bin/koha/catalogue/MARCdetail.pl?bib=<!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="biblionumber" ESCAPE="URL" -->">
+                                            <!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="title" --> <!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="subtitle" -->
+                                        </a>
+                                    <!-- TMPL_ELSE -->
+                                        <!-- TMPL_IF name="BiblioDefaultViewisbd" -->
+                                            <a class="title" href="/cgi-bin/koha/catalogue/ISBDdetail.pl?bib=<!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="biblionumber" ESCAPE="URL" -->">
+                                                <!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="title" --> <!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="subtitle" -->
+                                            </a>
+                                        <!-- TMPL_ELSE -->
+                                            <a class="title" href="/cgi-bin/koha/catalogue/detail.pl?bib=<!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="biblionumber" ESCAPE="URL" -->">
+                                                <!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="title" --> <!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="subtitle" -->
+                                            </a>
+                                        <!-- /TMPL_IF -->
+                                    <!-- /TMPL_IF -->
+                                </p> 
+                                <p>
+                                    <!-- TMPL_IF NAME="author" -->
+                                        <a href="search.pl?q=au:<!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="author" ESCAPE="URL" -->"><!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="author" --></a>
+                                    <!-- TMPL_ELSE -->
+                                        &nbsp;
+                                    <!-- /TMPL_IF -->
 				<!-- TMPL_IF name="publicationyear" --> - <!-- TMPL_VAR name="publicationyear" --><!-- /TMPL_IF -->
 						<!-- TMPL_IF name="publishercode" -->- <!-- TMPL_VAR name="publishercode" --><!-- /TMPL_IF -->
 						<!-- TMPL_IF name="place" --> ; <!-- TMPL_VAR name="place" --><!-- /TMPL_IF -->
 						<!-- TMPL_IF name="pages" --> - <!-- TMPL_VAR name="pages" --><!-- /TMPL_IF -->
 						<!-- TMPL_IF name="notes" --> : <!-- TMPL_VAR name="notes" --><!-- /TMPL_IF -->
 						<!-- TMPL_IF name="size" --> ; <!-- TMPL_VAR name="size" --><!-- /TMPL_IF -->
-						<!-- TMPL_IF name="timestamp" --> <i>(modified on <!-- TMPL_VAR name="timestamp" -->)</i><!-- /TMPL_IF --></p></td>
-				<td><a href="search.pl?q=callnum:<!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="classification" ESCAPE="URL" -->"><!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="classification" --></a></td>
+                                    <!-- TMPL_IF name="timestamp" --> <i>(modified on <!-- TMPL_VAR name="timestamp" -->)</i><!-- /TMPL_IF -->
+                                </p>
+                                </td>
+                                <td>
+                                    <a href="search.pl?q=callnum:<!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="classification" ESCAPE="URL" -->">
+                                        <!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="classification" -->
+                                    </a>
+                                </td>
 			<td style="white-space: nowrap">
-<!-- TMPL_IF NAME="items_loop" -->
-<span class="available"><!-- TMPL_LOOP NAME="items_loop" -->
+                                    <!-- TMPL_IF NAME="items_loop" -->
+                                        <span class="available">
+                                        <!-- TMPL_LOOP NAME="items_loop" -->
                 <!-- <!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="branchcode" --> -->
                 <!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="branchname" -->
                 (<!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="count" -->),<br />
-<!-- /TMPL_LOOP --></span>
-<!-- /TMPL_IF -->
-<span class="unavailable">
-<!-- TMPL_IF NAME="onloancount" --> On loan (<!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="onloancount" -->),<br /> <!-- /TMPL_IF -->
-<!-- TMPL_IF NAME="wthdrawncount" --> Withdrawn (<!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="wthdrawncount" -->),<br /> <!-- /TMPL_IF -->
-<!-- TMPL_IF NAME="itemlostcount" --> Lost (<!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="itemlostcount" -->)<br /><!-- /TMPL_IF -->
-<!-- TMPL_IF NAME="orderedcount" --> On order (<!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="orderedcount" -->)<!-- /TMPL_IF --></span>
-				</td>
-				<td><!-- TMPL_IF NAME="norequests" -->Not Reserveable<!-- TMPL_ELSE --><a class="reserve" href="/cgi-bin/koha/reserve/request.pl?bib=<!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="biblionumber" -->">Reserves</a><!-- /TMPL_IF --></td>
-		</tr>
-		<!-- /TMPL_LOOP -->
-	</table></div>
-<!-- /TMPL_IF -->
+                                        <!-- /TMPL_LOOP -->
+                                        </span>
+                                    <!-- /TMPL_IF -->
+                                    <span class="unavailable">
+                                        <!-- TMPL_IF NAME="onloancount" --> On loan (<!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="onloancount" -->),<br /> <!-- /TMPL_IF -->
+                                        <!-- TMPL_IF NAME="wthdrawncount" --> Withdrawn (<!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="wthdrawncount" -->),<br /> <!-- /TMPL_IF -->
+                                        <!-- TMPL_IF NAME="itemlostcount" --> Lost (<!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="itemlostcount" -->)<br /><!-- /TMPL_IF -->
+                                        <!-- TMPL_IF NAME="orderedcount" --> On order (<!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="orderedcount" -->)<!-- /TMPL_IF -->
+                                    </span>
+                                </td>
+                                <td>
+                                    <!-- TMPL_IF NAME="norequests" -->
+                                        Not Reserveable
+                                    <!-- TMPL_ELSE -->
+                                        <a class="reserve" href="/cgi-bin/koha/reserve/request.pl?bib=<!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="biblionumber" -->">
+                                            Reserves
+                                        </a>
+                                    <!-- /TMPL_IF -->
+                                </td>
+                            </tr>
+                        <!-- /TMPL_LOOP -->
+                </table>
+                </div>
+            </form>
+        <!-- /TMPL_IF -->
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+        <!-- TMPL_IF NAME="PAGE_NUMBERS" -->
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+                            <!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="pg" -->
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 	<!-- TMPL_IF NAME="outer_sup_results_loop" -->
 		<h3><!-- TMPL_LOOP NAME="outer_sup_results_loop" --></h3>
@@ -161,30 +274,11 @@
 		<!-- /TMPL_LOOP -->
    <!-- /TMPL_IF -->
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+    <!-- TMPL_ELSE -->
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-	<!-- TMPL_LOOP NAME="facets" -->
-		<li><a href="/cgi-bin/koha/catalogue/search.pl?q=<!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="searchdesc" --> and <!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="type_link_value" -->:<!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="facet_link_value" -->" title="<!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="facet_title_value" -->"><!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="facet_label_value" --></a> (<!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="facet_count" -->)</li>
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Index: koha-tmpl/intranet-tmpl/prog/en/includes/intranet.css
RCS file: /sources/koha/koha/koha-tmpl/intranet-tmpl/prog/en/includes/intranet.css,v
retrieving revision
retrieving revision
diff -u -b -r1.7.2.3 -r1.7.2.4
--- koha-tmpl/intranet-tmpl/prog/en/includes/intranet.css	20 Oct 2006 12:33:01 -0000
+++ koha-tmpl/intranet-tmpl/prog/en/includes/intranet.css	24 Oct 2006 12:29:01 -0000
@@ -98,6 +98,11 @@
 	background-color: #FF0000;
+/* style for search terms in catalogsearch */
+.term {
+    background-color:yellow;
 /* end of css styles for reserves color alerts */
@@ -146,7 +151,20 @@
 /* Main body style */
 #main {
-    margin-left:20%;
+/* facets bloc */
+#facets {
+    float:left;
+/*     background-color:#CCCCCC; */
+    margin-right:20px;
+    border:1px solid black;
+#facets h2 {
+    background-color:#CCCCCC;
+    margin:0px;
+    padding:0px;
+    font-size:100%;
 /* the USER information block */

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