[Koha-devel] HTML-Template

Mike Mylonas dragon28 at ihug.co.nz
Fri Aug 30 02:30:05 CEST 2002

Just noticed a new release of HTML-Template

Release Name: 2.6

   - New Feature: HTML::Template will combine HTML_TEMPLATE_ROOT
                  environment variable and path option if both are
                  available. (Jesse Erlbaum)

   - New Feature: __counter__ variable now available when
                loop_context_vars is set (Simran Gambhir)

   - New Feature: The default attribute allows you to specify
                  defaults for <tmpl_var> tags.

   - Bug Fix: fixed parser to reject <tmpl_var>s with no names.

   - Doc Fix: fixed documentation to correctly describe the
              interaction of case_sensitive and loop_context_vars.
              (Peter Claus Lamprecht)
   - Doc Fix: updated mailing-list information to reflect move from
              vm.com to sourceforge.net

This raises the question regarding the Bundle, do we want to specify any
specific/minimum versions of modules that are bundled

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