[Koha-devel] 1.2 release needs z3950 daemon launcher

Alan Millar am12 at bolis.com
Fri Jun 7 01:24:02 CEST 2002

> > On Thu, Jun 06, 2002 at 11:56:34PM +1200, Chris Cormack wrote:
> > > I think what we are still missing before we release it to the world is

We need a launcher for the z3950 search daemon.  I have a script that
works, which I can throw in.  Steve- did you have any plans for this,
or is there an existing one that I just missed?

The way I see it, there are a few requirements I'd want in it:
- the daemon should not run as root, for general design safety
- it should be launchable by root, so people can put it in system
  startup scripts like rc.local
- it should allow local flexibility, such as setting PERL5LIB for modules
- Preferably, log its diagnostic messages.

Here's what I came up with:

---- File z3950-daemon-launch.sh ----
  su -s /bin/sh -c '/usr/local/koha/z3950-daemon-shell.sh &' - $RUNASUSER &

---- File z3950-daemon-shell.sh ----
LOGFILE=/usr/local/koha/logs/z3950-daemon-`date +%Y%m%d-%H%M`
export PERL5LIB

exec /usr/local/koha/www/koha/cgi-bin/koha/acqui.simple/processz3950queue >>$LOGFILE 2>&1

We can use this or feel free to embellish as needed, etc.

What also might be nice:
- Proper sysV-type rc.* start-up script ( S90z3950daemon -> z3950daemon start  )
- Log file rotation?

- Alan

Alan Millar     --==> am12 at bolis.com <==--

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