[Koha-devel] Theme and language settings.....

Andrew Arensburger arensb+koha-devel at ooblick.com
Wed Sep 18 06:45:04 CEST 2002

On Wed, Sep 18, 2002 at 04:46:34PM +1200, Finlay Thompson wrote:
> Each script shouild have the following template selecting line:
> my $template = gettemplate("opac-main.tmpl", "opac");
> for example where the template is opac-main.tmpl

	Could this be abstracted? That is, hide it in a module
somewhere, and just have each script use
	use Koha::CGI;
or some such. Then the line above can just go in Koha/CGI.pm. Then
there's less code to maintain in each individual script.
	In addition, if the template name is just the name of the
script with "pl" replaced by "tmpl", it can make an educated guess as
to the template name.

> All of these settings will can be space seperated (maybe they should be
> comma seperated?)  lists: like "sp fr en" for language. And it will
> search in that order.

	A word of caution: one thing that I learned on another project
is that translations are never up to date. I suspect this is
especially true of images. Hence, anything that involves i18n will
need to fail gracefully. If you show the original English text to a
French speaker, that's not good, but it's better than showing nothing
at all (or even a misleading French message).
	Hence, the code that picks the appropriate language-specific
files ought to pick the English file if it can't find the correct one.

	Now that I think about it, I suspect the same thing applies to
themes: if the selected theme isn't complete, the file-picker should
probably default to using the appropriate file from the default theme.

> There will be no cookies!


Andrew Arensburger                      This message *does* represent the
arensb at ooblick.com                      views of ooblick.com
		       When in Rome... romance!

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