[Koha-devel] MARC and ISBN

paul POULAIN paul.poulain at free.fr
Fri Dec 12 00:23:02 CET 2003

MJ Ray a écrit :

> Have I set something up wrong, or does the breeding farm only match on 
> the first given ISBN? Is that fixable? 

yes, you're right.
Should be fixable by duplicating an entry when we have more than 1 ISBN.

> Also, I saw some format yesterday that looked like MARC21 but had ISBN 
> in 021 instead of 020. Does that sound familiar to anyone? We'd asked 
> the Z39.50 server for USMARC, but got that back.

Can't answer to this question. Nelsonville (& steve (canada) at the 
beginning) are MARC21 default parameter table authors.

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