[Koha-devel] New Notforloan field in table Itemtypes

Larry Currie lcurrie at CalAcademy.Org
Mon Feb 17 16:27:14 CET 2003

I've encountered a new field called "notforloan" that has been added to
the structure of the table "itemtypes" in version 1.9.0, although
perhaps it's been in some earlier versions also.  Can someone advise me
as to the values that could be assigned to this field and what meaning
each would have?


Larry Currie

Lawrence W. Currie
User Services Librarian
California Academy of Sciences
Golden Gate Park
San Francisco, CA 94118
lcurrie at calacademy.org
(415) 750-7108
(415) 750-7106 fax

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