[Koha-devel] Re: [Bug 516] biblioitems.itemtype does not load

paul POULAIN paul.poulain at free.fr
Thu Jul 3 03:06:16 CEST 2003

Stephen Hedges wrote:

>Paul -
>I'm not getting any warnings when I make this change to bulkmarcimport.pl and 
>run it.  Just to be sure, I also commented out the line "$batch-
>>warnings_off();" in dumpmarc.pl and ran the file through that script -- no 
>I've attached a copy of the file of MARC records ("marctestout").  Our mapping 
>is at http://koha.athenscounty.lib.oh.us:8080
>>------- Additional Comments From 
>>paul.poulain at free.fr  2003-07-03 02:39 -------
>>strange... it works fine for me (with UNIMARC 
>>Could you check that your MARC record is 
>>just add : 
>>	warn "==>".$record->as_formatted();
>>after :$record =
OK, I understand the problem...
952 it the tab you use for ITEMS. So it's stored with items, NOT with 
biblioitems. Thus, it's not transmitted to the correct function.

what's the solution ? the only one is to move itemtype from 952 to 
something else.
Why is it coded like this ? it's an historical behaviour (from 1.2.x)
biblioitems is supposed to store infos common to some/many items, and 
there can be more than one for a given biblio. It's something that 
doesn't exist in MARC, who only has 2 different levels (biblio & item)

One sample :
* biblio =>
1- the 2 towers, from tolkien
* biblioitem =>
1- edited in 1957, by "greatbook edition".
2- edited in 2002, by "pocket edition".
* items =>
1- barcode 100001, biblioitem 2
2- barcode 100002, biblioitem 1
3- barcode 100003, biblioitem 2

Note that an error should be reporter in checkmarc, i'll investigate why 
it does not.

PS : i copy this mail to bugzilla and mark #516 as invalid.

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