[Koha-devel] Multiple acquisitions at the same time...

paul POULAIN paul.poulain at free.fr
Thu Jul 3 06:27:05 CEST 2003

Jerome Vizcaino wrote:

>Hi all
>I've experienced a problem recently trying to add a biblio from scratch
>while another user was doing the same operation on the same koha server
>(CVS Version). The problem was the informations were mixed together. The
>server is configured to use MARC.
>The real problem is that I'd like to fix this but is unable to reproduce
>the error :(
>Is there someone out there who had the same problem ? If so, can you
>tell me how it happened and if you're able to reproduce it ?
Yes. everybody should have the same problem.
I don't want tu put shame on katipo but...
since version 1.0.0 biblio adding is done like this :
1 ask for a new biblio
2 calculate it's number with max(biblionumber)
3 complete form
4 send datas
5 create biblio (thus incrementing biblionumber in DB).

If you have 2 ppl entering a biblio at the same time... you can have 
twice step 2 before first step 5, resulting in 2 biblios with the same 

/me agree it's an awful bug...

Who want to fix it ? the best being to have an auto_increment field as 
biblionumber that is calculated only at step 5.

Note : the MARC editor don't have this bug (i think/hope/pray :-) )

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