[Koha-devel] from ISIS to Koha

paul POULAIN paul.poulain at free.fr
Mon Oct 13 08:26:05 CEST 2003

Waylon Robertson wrote:

> Oh.. now this was fun. In Wellington Theosophical Society, they used 
> an ISIS system. I converted it from ISIS to DBF using isis2dbf or 
> something.... massaged it into the biblio-bibliitems-items 
> relationship manually going through each row, matching the books.. 
> then ran a script that used a DBI::DBF library to import it into the 
> mysql database.

I REALLY hope they used this method with koha 1.2
Because with Koha 2.0.0 it will be WRONG : it won't populate MARC 
tables, so Koha will be unusable. To migrate to Koha 2.0.0, the ONLY 
valid method is to use bulkmarcimport, that needs a valid iso2709 file.

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