[Koha-devel] Re: [Koha] 090 Fields [good news :-)]

paul POULAIN paul.poulain at free.fr
Mon Sep 29 00:26:04 CEST 2003

MJ Ray wrote:

> These are dev questions, so moved to koha-devel.
> On 2003-09-19 08:34:10 +0100 paul POULAIN <paul.poulain at free.fr> wrote:
>> To support any MARC flavour, NO MARC TAG/SUBFIELDS ARE HARDCODED into 
>> Koha.
> The MARC export appears to call as_usmarc(), which needs MARC21 to be 
> used to get valid results, doesn't it?
> I spoke on Wednesday's IRC with jferraro (excuse misspelling) who was 
> having some trouble with MARC export.  Any progress?
Hi Mark,

joshua tested the exported records with screen copy/paste. As there are 
some non-printable characters in iso2709, the result was wrong, of course.

The as_usmarc() creates iso2709 records, not us_marc specifically ones.
Let me explain how it's used in Koha :
* the MARCgetbiblio() sub (a Koha one) builds a MARC::Record from 
Koha-DB. The MARC::Record in independant of the MARC flavour.
* the as_usmarc() is applied on the MARC::Record object. It creates a 
valid iso2709 data.
* some MARC::Record methods like $record->title() won't work. It returns 
the title that is located in 100$a in usmarc. In 100$a in UNIMARC is ... 
something else (don't remember). so Koha NEVER uses MARC::Record 
shortcuts like ->title or ->author. It uses an internal sub 
(MARCmarc2koha) that transforms a MARC::Record into an hash, having 
{title} being the title {author} being the author... Koha uses MARC 
parameter table to do this, so it's MARC flavour independant.
* I think/am afraid extended char (é,è,à,...) are wrong. they are a pain 
in iso2709.


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