[Koha-devel] Re: [Koha] uninstalling

paul POULAIN paul.poulain at free.fr
Mon Apr 19 07:28:02 CEST 2004

Roger Horne a écrit :

>On Mon 19 Apr, MJ Ray wrote:
>>I hope the above helps you to track down the problem.
>I will try. I have a more immediate problem...
>While playing around, I changed from budget based to simple acquisitions and
>I deleted the all "types" (eg law report). I then added a new z* server and
>used the z* daemon to try to find another book. It found it and I went
>through the usual steps of saving etc. However when I searched for it it was
>nowhere to be found. It seems that some of the tables of the db had got
>corrupted: what in some showed two books as 16 and 17 others showed them as
>15 and 16. I think it is extrememly unlikely that I could replicate this ...
>It is far from being a disaster: I only had about 16 books in the db, and
>quite a few of those were entered simply to try out the daemon on unusual
yes, but it's strange anyway...

>My question is simple: is there a simple way to delete all the bibliographic
>data so that I can start again (without deleting the database itself and
>re-installing Koha from scratch)? 
scripts/misc/bulkmarcimport.pl has an option to delete every 
biblio-related informations (don't forget to EXPORT 
PERL5LIB=/path/to/koha before ./bulkmarcimport.pl)

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