[Koha-devel] Using Koha from the CVS tree

Nathan Gray kolibrie at vs1.graystudios.org
Thu Jun 24 09:35:06 CEST 2004

Well, I got Koha up and running!  I wrote a script to help me link up
all the CVS directories to the installed locations.

I had to steal a few files from a Koha installed from the tarball, and
update my database, so I added checks for those in the script.

Here is my script (link_cvskoha.pl):


# See http://www.saas.nsw.edu.au/koha_wiki/index.php?page=CVSSymLinkInstallation
# for more information about running Koha using symlinks to CVS

use Getopt::Long;

my %param = ();
GetOptions(\%param, 'cvs=s', 'opac=s', 'intranet=s');

sub usage {
    print qq{Usage: link_cvskoha.pl --cvs SOURCE_DIR --intranet DIR --opac DIR 
        --cvs       Directory where Koha CVS is (like sandbox/koha)
        --intranet  Directory where webserver looks for intranet files
                    (defaults to /usr/local/koha/intranet)
        --opac      Directory where webserver looks for opac files
                    (defaults to /usr/local/koha/opac)\n\n};

my $cvs = $param{cvs} || usage();
my $opac = $param{opac} || '/usr/local/koha/opac';
my $intranet = $param{intranet} || '/usr/local/koha/intranet';

my %map = (
    # CVS module              => installed location
    ''                        => $intranet . '/cgi-bin',
    'koha-tmpl/intranet-tmpl' => $intranet . '/htdocs/intranet-tmpl',
    'C4'                      => $intranet . '/modules/C4',
    'opac'                    => $opac . '/cgi-bin',
    'koha-tmpl/opac-tmpl'     => $opac . '/htdocs/opac-tmpl',
    'koha-tmpl/opac.html'     => $opac . '/htdocs/index.html',
    'koha-tmpl/intranet.html' => $intranet . '/htdocs/index.html',
    'z3950'                   => $intranet . '/scripts/z3950daemon',
    'updater'                 => $intranet . '/scripts/updater',
    'misc'                    => $intranet . '/scripts/misc',
    'marc'                    => $intranet . '/scripts/marc',

my %necessary_files = (
    # filename                => description
    '/etc/koha.conf'          => 'Koha configuration file',
    '/etc/koha-httpd.conf'    => 'Koha webserver configuration',
    $map{z3950} . '/z3950-daemon-options' => 'Z39.50 daemon configuration',

# make sure opac and intranet directories exist
foreach my $dir ($opac, $intranet) {
    (my $subdir = $dir) =~ s|\/[^/]*$||;
    unless (-d $subdir) {
        system("mkdir $subdir");
	chmod(0755, $subdir);
    unless (-d $dir) {
        system("mkdir $dir");
	chmod(0755, $dir);

# loop through CVS module names and create links
foreach my $dir (keys %map) {
    my $source = $cvs . '/' . $dir;
    my $dest   = $map{$dir};
    # remove previous links
    if (-e $dest) {
        local $| = 1;
        print "$dest already exists. Overwrite? [y/N]: ";
	my $response = <STDIN>;
	if (uc($response) eq 'Y') {
	    if (system("rm -rf $dest")) {
	        print "  FAILED to remove $dest: $!\n";
	} else {
    # ensure directory for storing links exists
    (my $subdir = $dest) =~ s|\/[^/]*$||;
    unless (-d $subdir) {
        system("mkdir $subdir");
	chmod(0755, $subdir);
    # link from CVS to installed location
    print "ln -s $source $dest\n";
    if (system("ln -s $source $dest")) {
        print "  FAILED to create link: $!\n";

# alert user if necessary files are missing
foreach my $file (keys %necessary_files) {
    unless (-e $file) {
        print "Cannot find $necessary_files{$file}: $file\n";

print "Make sure to run " . $map{updater} . "/updatedatabase\n";

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