[Koha-devel] Charsets: Moving to utf-8

Joshua Ferraro jmf at liblime.com
Tue Jun 14 11:03:14 CEST 2005

OK ... during the bugsquash session the issue of charsets came up.
(in response to 885:; Non-ISO8859-1 charset support broken in CSS
theme in 2.2). Our goal for 2.4 would be to move everything--db
storage, and templates -- to utf-8. The question is, how?

Here's a paraphrase of the discussion on IRC:

utf-8 is a 3 way plan i think :
* utf-8 templates
* utf-8 data
* utf-8 translations 
paul: moving templates to utf-8 requires use of a tool like html tidy

utf-8 data means, I think : dumping data, changing mySQL & reloading

we have to investigate correctly this question, because iso2709 (MARC)
char encoding is poor.

acli (who reported bug 885) is also tmpl_process3 author (the tool
for translations) so we'd like to get feedback from him if possible.

So we're looking for suggestions on how to make the switch. What do
we need to consider:

 HTML::Template limitations (should we be looking at Template::Toolkit)
 Database Issues
 Translation Issues
 Other stuff

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