[Koha-devel] Website/Interface Design Meeting Agenda

Joshua Ferraro jmf at liblime.com
Wed May 25 20:44:05 CEST 2005

OK folks, here's a rough agenda for tomorrow's meeting, if you've got
items to add feel free to reply with the additions.

I've included some references that have come up in the course of
discussions leading up to the meeting as a sort of pre-meeting

1. Koha Website:

        What _is_ koha.org?
        How can koha.org be professional enough for libraries interested
         while still being a useful resource for developers?

        Bring Your List of Koha Resources To Include
	Russ's Design Process:
        Current Koha Site Map:
        Proposed Koha Site Map:

        Shaun's Work on Redesign of the Site

	Website TODO list

2. Koha Interfaces
	Default Template Design Process
	 (in no particular order) colors, logos, layout,
	 standards compliance, usability, beauty, 
	 accessability(screen readers, PDAs, etc.), translations.

	Interface TODO list

4. Recruit volunteers to do TODOs (this will probably happen
    along the way)

5. Roles (should we have an Interface Designer and if so, who?)
	(how will we handle web site design collaboration?)

If you're new to Koha you may find these references useful in
evaluating our current designs and design ideas.

         Rach's Mockup: http://katipo.co.nz/gallery/koha2-4
         LibLime's OPAC Demo: http://opac.liblime.com
                login: 1-10/liblime
	 HLT OPAC Demo: http://opac.library.org.nz

        Circulation, Cataloging, Administration, and Reporting
         HLT Demo: http://hlt.katipo.co.nz/cgi-bin/koha/mainpage.pl
                login: hdl/testing
         LibLime Demo: http://koha.liblime.com
                login: circ/liblime

President, Technology       migration, training, maintenance, support
LibLime                  Koha ILS, Mambo Intranet, DiscrimiNet Filter
jmf at liblime.com |  Full Demos at http://liblime.com  |  1(888)KohaILS

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