[Koha-devel] koha head and prog templates

Paul POULAIN paul.poulain at free.fr
Wed Oct 26 01:16:10 CEST 2005

Paul POULAIN a écrit :
> I've just donwloaded the PROG templates owen made, and have some comments.

continuing thinking on the list...

I did not dream the solution last night, but have some comments after 
investigating a little bit more.

It seems that the PROG templates contains a lot of copy/paste from 
default ones. The copy/paste is related to the "core" of each page, I 
mean the "center" of the screen, it's main content. Every graphical 
improvement being removed.
I've looked inside acquire.tmpl, aqbudget.tmpl and circulation.tmpl, 
except for header and footer, they almost are a copy of default templates.

That confirms what I wrote yesterday and can describe a little bit more, 
I think it's a way to explore.
A page contains :
* a header at the top.
* a main menu (top or left usually). Always the same everywhere in the app.
* a title
* a contextual menu. contains every operations doable on this page (like 
"add a biblio", "see biblio in another format", "edit items", "add 
biblio to virtual shelf"...)
* a navigation toolbar. Saying we were "Koha >> acquisition >> supplier 
 >> recieve >> search order".
* a footer, at the end of the page.
* the core content.

The core content contains usually :
- lists (tables) of informations
- one or few forms
- only a few buttons and/or links.
that can be grouped in 1 or few logical blocs.

Couldn't we define this structure as the mandatory structure for PROG 
templates ? then, the developpers would have to "tag" their structure 
with code like <core num="1">xxxx</core num="2"> on logical blocs. We 
would then have to developp a script to copy every 'core' blocs in 
another template system.
We also could add a tag for dest template system to say 'hey dude, i've 
modified a core bloc, don't overwritte it, i'll take care of it 
manually'. With a warning during template upgrade.

That might be a good solution, except that the core bloc will be the 
same for everybody.

Attached is a sample of what it could be for circulation.tmpl (randomly 
choosen template). I also have added a name="xxx" in the core to explain 
what the bloc is done for, and stored core tag as html comment.

Does that sound a good idea ?
Consultant indépendant en logiciels libres
responsable francophone de koha (SIGB libre http://www.koha-fr.org)
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