[Koha-devel] Theme Structure 3.0

Dorian Meid dnmeid at gmx.de
Tue Aug 1 23:00:44 CEST 2006

Am 01.08.2006 um 00:10 schrieb MJ Ray:

> Our current template structure is something like:
> where
>   SITE   = { intranet, opac }
>   THEME  = { default, npl, vanilla, ... }
>   LANG   = { <empty>, en, es, fr, pl, zh-TW, ... }
>   OBJECT = { <empty>, includes, LANG=en?images }
> It's probably not ideal to have all of these in htdocs, as some
> aren't really for direct download.  Languages and images are
> also subordinate to themes, which has some side-effects.
The plan, when I developed the THEME/LANG/OBJECT directory was that  
it should be completely outside of the htdocs and then the relevant  
objects should be linked into the webspace.

But it's long time ago and i'm not really up to date with the koha-code.

> I suggest splitting includes, languages and templates so
> we get something like:
>   templates/TYPE/THING/SCOPE
> where
>   TYPE  = { htdocs, l10n, tmpl }
>   THING = { images, includes, LANG, default, npl, vanilla, ... }
>   SCOPE = { default, intranet, opac, ... (may grow if needed) }
> and language, style and theme are set independently in koha.
> koha then looks at templates/l10n/LANG:templates/tmpl/THEME
> :templates/tmpl/THEME/LANG for its files, which may include
> things from templates/htdocs served by the httpd.
I don't understand what you mean with the colons between the paths

Could it be that your THING directory level mixes things which should  
be on different levels?
In my opinion there are e.g. images and includes which are specific  
to a language.
So all language specific things should be below the language directory.

Next I introduced a "all" directory which unfortunately wasn't used  
so much.
The idea was to have a directory named "all" on every level which  
helds all the objects common to all the other objects on the same  
level. E.g. you can have default/en/images/submit.gif which could be  
a button for a theme/lang combination, but you could also use default/ 
all/images/1.gif which could be a image equal for all languages of  
that theme.

Then the scope. Why splitting more and more. Why not doing a move  
frome scope to theme. So we could have a default-librarian theme (i  
don't like the name intranet) and a default-opac theme. The backend  
then should be the same and the opac-themes or other reduced themes  
just don't use the whole functionality.

I admit in having a nicer solution in splitting things which should  
be served and things outside the webspace.
The quest is to have them together for maintenence and distribution  
and to have them separated on the server.

> This will let koha themes, styles and translations be maintained
> and used independently.
You can do this at tis time with the existing structure.

Dorian Meid

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