[Koha-devel] Some script for item deletion - suggestion

Tümer Garip tgarip at neu.edu.tr
Wed Mar 1 14:55:47 CET 2006

Hi Paul,

We noticed that the librarian can actaully delete an item (by mistake or
while correcting some biblios). Although
KOHA keeps records of deleted items its too much work trying to retrive
it. So we think KOHA should prevent deletion of such items. We have
added the following script to additem.pl

} elsif ($op eq "delitem") {
# retrieve item if exist => then, it's a modif
+ my $sth=$dbh->prepare("select * from issues i where i.returndate is
null and i.itemnumber=?");
+ $sth->execute($itemnum);
+ my $onloan=$sth->fetchrow;
+ push @errors,"book_on_loan" if ($onloan); ##error book_on_loan added
to template as well
+	if ($onloan){
+	$nextop = "additem";
+ }else{
+ }

We also believe a similar code should be inserted to addbiblio.pl as

If you think the sameway can you please commit these, thanks


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