[Koha-devel] Custom searches in opac

Peter Hartmann ascensiontech at gmail.com
Thu Jan 17 21:30:33 CET 2008

Hey, I'm looking to set up a custom search in the npl opac for
'Reading Level".   This is a big one for elementary schools.   This
information is under 521a in the marc records that I have imported
into koha database.  This mysql query lists the information in a table
that I need:

select  * from marc_subfield_table where tag = 521 and subfieldcode = 'a';

Any ideas how I could search this as a temporary table from the opac.
Or is there an  easier way?

<th><label for="level">Reading Level:</label></th>

<td><input type="hidden" name="marclist"
value="marc_subfield_table.subfieldvalue" />
               <input type="hidden" name="and_or" value="and" />
               <input type="hidden" name="excluding" value="" />
               <input type="hidden" name="operator" value="contains" />
               <input type="text" id="subfieldvalue" name="value" />

this is how far I've gotten in altering the opac-search.tmpl file for
the npl template.  It doesn't work.

Thoughts anyone?


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