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Wed Jul 30 15:47:19 CEST 2008

There is a databse installation shell script included with the Koha tarball.

2. Set up a koha user and password in mysql
Log in to mysql: mysql -uroot -ppassword 

To create a user called "koha" who has full administrative rights to the "Koha" database when autheicting from "localhost", enter the following on mysql command line:

grant all privileges on Koha.* to koha at localhost identified by 'kohapassword'; 

Press ENTER, and if you see no errors then enter \q to quit mysql.

3. Use the mysql script to create the tables
mysql -uusername -ppassword Koha < koha.mysql 

3.1 Update your database tables
perl updatedatabase -I /pathtoC4 

4. Edit koha.conf
Set the database name to what you have called your database, hostname willprobably stay as localhost (unless you are installing the database on a different machine to the webserver) User and password should be changed to reflect the username and password you have chosen above.

You can include a line called "includes= " with path to your includes folder instead of entering the path in - see example in KohaHints.

5. Copy koha.conf to /etc/
The permissions on this config file should also be strict, since they contain the database password. At a minimum, the apache user needs to be able to read it, as well as any other user that runs circ.
I would suggest ownership of www-data.libadmins with no access to others.libadmins contain all users that use koha (If you set the owner as www-data u will need to make sure apache is running
as www-data)

6. Create directories for scripts and html documents.
Here you need to decide where your scripts and html are going to live.
And edit C4/ to reflect that.
Set $path= where your includes live,
for example: $path="/usr/local/www/koha/htdocs/includes";

You do not need to do that if you have already entered the includes path in koha.conf (see example above) 

Next copy the C4 directory (in scripts/) to somewhere in your perl path
eg /usr/local/lib/site_perl/i386-linux/

If you do not have sufficient access to copy the files to the default perl folder (maybe you are using your ISPs hosting server) then you can copy the modules to any other location and add a line to apache.conf like:

SetEnv? PERL5LIB "/usr/local/www/koha/modules"

Copy the C4 directory into the modules folder (see detailed example in KohaHints)

7. Set up your Online Public Access Catalogue (OPAC)

Set up a webspace for the OPAC: For example: You might make /usr/local/www/opac ... and set a virtual host in apache to use that dir 
In your opac dir make a dir called htdocs, and copy everything in opac-html/ to it. 
Again in ur opac dir make a dir called cgi-bin and copy all the files in scripts/ that have a .pl extension to it, eg copy scripts/*.pl /usr/local/www/opac/cgi-bin/koha/ 
Your virtual host should be set up to use these dirs, some thing like this: 

   ServerAdmin webmaster at                            
   DocumentRoot /usr/local/www/opac/htdocs                     
   ErrorLog logs/opac-error_log       
   TransferLog logs/opac-access_log               

When finished, restart apache and point your browser at and it should be all go (of course - if you dont have any data in the database there wont be much to see!) 

Find supplementary information and config examples in KohaHints

8. Set up the intranet/librarian interface

Create new directories and additional httpd.conf changes to Set up another webspace. Lets call it koha. 
For example:

In the dir you have just created make an htdocs dir and a cgi-bin dir 
Copy everything in intranet-html/ to the htdocs dir 
Copy all the .pl files in scripts/ to the cgi-bin/koha dir 
Make sure ur virtual host is set up to use these dirs 
Restart apache point your browser at and it should work 

9. Configure SECURITY for the Librarians/Intranet Interface
If you are using AuthenDBI to do your authentication, you will need to add some users to the users table in the koha database. And edit your apache conf file to use AuthenDBI on the intranet site.

Otherwise, set up htaccess files in both koha/htdocs/ and koha/cgi-bin You can use general .htaccess based security. It is important though to password protect the librarians interface because from it you can delete and add items, remove borrowers fines and generally case havoc.

10. Set up Issues, Returns and Telnet interface.
Since we have already copied the files in scripts/C4 into somewhere in our perl source tree

We just need to now copy the scripts from scripts/telnet/ into somewhere in the executable path, eg /usr/local/bin

Then its done: type circ and your away, ready to issue and return.

In release 1.1.0 on there is now a webbased circulation module, So issues and returns can be done from there, or from circ.

You will find some Koha config examples in KohaHints 

Check out KohaMiniFAQ for general, supplementary information. 

--- NEW FILE ---
Example /etc/koha.conf file entries

Please note the final line (includes=path) - The path entry can be used as an alternative to manually editing the path in file (see INSTALL manual).

Example apache httpd.conf entries:
Koha makes extensive use of Server Side Includes (SSI): 
If your page headers and footers do not show, then you may need to re-configure your web server.

Here is an example of entries suitable for Apache httpd.conf:

<VirtualHost 111.222.333.1>
   ServerPath /var/www/library
   DocumentRoot /var/www/library/koha/html
   Alias /images/ "/var/www/library/koha/html/images/"
   ScriptAlias  /cgi-bin/koha/ "/var/www/library/koha/cgi-bin/"
   SetEnv PERL5LIB "/var/www/library/modules"
   ErrorLog /var/log/httpd/koha-error_log
   # ======== koha uses Server Side Includes =========
   # Normally here, use the same path as "DocRoot" above
   <Directory "/var/www/library/koha/html">
        AllowOverride None
        # First, you MUST enable +Includes or +IncludesNoExec
        Options +Includes -FollowSymlinks -Indexes
        # Second, you must also configure one of following:
        # 1. server-parsed content (SSI) for files ending in ".html"
        AddHandler server-parsed .html
            # ...OR... (not "AND" !!!!)...
            # 2. Allow SSI if executable bit set using "XBitHack"
            # XBitHack on|off|full
            # XBitHack on - any file that has the user-execute bit
            # - set will be treated as a server-parsed html doc. 
            # - The "full" = "on" but, in addition, will test the
            # - group-execute bit. If the group execute bit is set
            # - then the Last-modified date of the returned file
            # - is sent. If group-execute bit is not set, then no
            # - last-modified date is sent.
	    # - Setting this bit allows clients and proxies to
	    # - cache the result of the request!
            # For example, enable XBitHack (on) if you want to
            # - include non-executable content in documents like:
            #   <!--#include virtual="/includes/" -->
            #   <!--#include virtual="/cgi-bin/" -->
            # XBitHack on
            # Remember - do not use XBitHack if using AddHandler!

<VirtualHost 111.222.333.1>
    ServerPath /var/www/library
    DocumentRoot /var/www/library/opac/html
    Alias /images/ "/var/www/library/opac/html/images/"
    ScriptAlias  /cgi-bin/opac/ "/var/www/library/opac/cgi-bin/"
    SetEnv PERL5LIB "/var/www/library/modules"
    ErrorLog /var/log/httpd/opac-error_log
    <Directory "/var/www/library/opac/html">
            AllowOverride None
            Options +Includes -FollowSymLinks -Indexes
	    AddHandler server-parsed .html

Read your web server docs for more information about how Server Side Includes work.

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