[Koha-devel] page size & speed display

Frederic Demians frederic at tamil.fr
Tue Jul 1 16:12:10 CEST 2008

> These %s add up to considerably more than 100% don't they? What does
> that mean?

This is a dprofpp -I result. It means that it displays subroutine times 
inclusive of child subroutine times. I suppose for example that 
C4::Context::new call C4::Context::read_config_file that call 
XML::Simple::XMLin. So we know that globally 16.7% of response time is 
spent reading config file. If, thanks to mod_perl, a

> Also, 23 calls to C4::Context::read_config_file? Are we failing to
> detect that we've loaded it, or is that a misinterpretation?

So reading config file may be not so slow but it is called 23 times! If 
you add a warning in this procedure, you see it is called from those 

   1. Context.pm
   2. Output.pm
   3. Languages.pm
   4. Auth.pm
   5. Members.pm
   6. Dates.pm
   7. Log.pm
   8. Circulation.pm
   9. Stats.pm
  10. Reserves.pm
  11. Biblio.pm
  12. Koha.pm
  13. Branch.pm
  14. ClassSource.pm
  15. ClassSortRoutine.pm
  16. Heading.pm
  17. Search.pm
  18. XSLT.pm
  19. Items.pm
  20. Accounts.pm
  21. Overdues.pm
  22. VirtualShelves.pm
  23. Tags.pm

23 calls! It has to be fixed.

> Finally, CumulS(XML::LibXML::SAX::_parse) >
> CumulS(C4::Context::read_config_file) which reminds me that
> koha-conf.xml isn't the only XML file in Koha - are others used here?

marcxml biblio records? Even on a setup without XSLT?

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