[Koha-devel] install.debian and MIME::Lite

Zeno Tajoli tajoli at cilea.it
Tue Jul 15 16:03:03 CEST 2008


thank you very  much for you answer,

>[snip CPAN install command]
> > My question is: Do we want to mantain this list ?
> > Or it is better to insert a different paragraph about the list of
> > modules written from installer and here insert only
> > the module mandatory for the installer ?
>You're right, we could probably do better here.

In fact my suggestion is only about the file install.debian
Reading the paragraph 1.6 the user undesrstood: "With this
command on CPAN I have installed all perl modules that I need".
But it is not true,
The check on all modules is done on paragraph 3
I think is difficult to mantain different install files and be exact 
on this particular topic.

So i suggest those changes in install.debian:

1.6 Install basic Perl dependencies that aren't packaged into Debian 
Etch sources
Run the following command:
[snip CPAN install command]

and in paragraph 3 the installer check *all* of the perl modules here 
and explain
that any missing ones can be gotten from CPAN

So we can write in paragraph 3:

3. Run the Koha installer
     $ perl Makefile.PL
     ( answer questions )
     $ make
     ( test about perl modules, the missing are listed and must be 
installed with cpan)
     $ make test
     $ sudo make install

Thank you very much for your work


Zeno Tajoli
CILEA - Segrate (MI)
(Indirizzo mascherato anti-spam; sostituisci quanto tra AT con @)

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