[Koha-devel] Prepackaged perl distro

Rick Welykochy rick at praxis.com.au
Sat Jul 19 01:19:46 CEST 2008

Joe Atzberger wrote:

> We do that for Koha's internal perl modules, and I think it makes sense 
> there, but I would be very against doing it for *external* 
> dependencies.  It doesn't avoid entanglements with existing perl 
> installations, because if you have 5.10 installed (e.g. Ubuntu) you 
> already have a different core and @INC.

There is a clear separation between the Perl CORE and so-called
"site_perl" modules installed after the fact.

The CORE should be (must be?) backwards compatible with all of
CPAN, subject to the Perl versioning constraints inside the
modules, i.e. the use 5.8 kind of specificier.

I am proposing the following:

@INC/PERL5LIB to contain:
    /usr/lib/perl stuff (the core only)

    + /usr/local/koha/site_perl (the Koha Perl Kit as I call it)

    + /usr/local/koha/intranet/modules (the Koha app modules)

And yup, there might be two DBI packages on the system.
So be it.

If queries arise about which CPAN packages are installed,
they must be directed at the /usr/local/koha/site_perl,
not anywhere else.

A mix of locally installed CPAN modules + just a subset
from the Koha Perl Kit is just the thing I want to avoid, for
version compatibility reasons.

The overarching goal: install a set of CPAN modules alongside
the Koha app modules that are *known* to be 100% compatible.
Versions must be *exact* and known to work together.

The PERL CORE is a different kettle of fish. If Larry Wall and Co
have introduced backwards compat issues at that low level, I
certainly want to know about it.

For example, what are the differences introduced at Perl 10.0
in the CORE that you refer to? Would they affect an existing
Koha/2.2.9 or Koha3.0 install?


Rick Welykochy || Praxis Services || Internet Driving Instructor

I forget what I was taught. I only remember what I have learnt.
      -- Patrick White
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