[Koha-devel] RFC 3.2 : Item status bulk change

Henri-Damien LAURENT laurenthdl at alinto.com
Fri Jul 25 20:09:45 CEST 2008

Joe Atzberger a écrit :
>     what about adding a feature to bulkchange a given virtual shelf ? That
>     would be an already existing place to remember a batch.
>     We could also port some feature that exist on OPAC to deal with
>     basket/lists to staff interface.
>     Then, have a bulkstatuschange applied on a virtual shelf.
> Only if you are talking about changing biblio records.  Unlike their
> analog analogues, Virtual Shelves don't contain items.  (And shouldn't.)
> --joe
I don't agree.
They could/should also be able to contain items.
I see no reason why you want to limit shelf element to biblios.
For instance, it should be possible to create a virtualshelf of items in
order to process them,
like send them to "reliure", set a special status, create a command,
recall them back, send them to another library.
Imho, this type of things should eventually be possible via a
virtualshelf, just need to be quite general on what a virtual shelf
contains and display actions depending on elements type (It would just
need to add a type of element to virtualshelves.)

But maybe i am daydreaming.
Henri-Damien LAURENT

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