[Koha-devel] Reminder: Koha project meeting on #koha, 12 September 2008 at 19:00 UTC

Frederic Demians frederic at tamil.fr
Fri Sep 12 20:13:18 CEST 2008

> Would you be actively reviewing many or most patches that are 
> submitted, and
> perhaps maintaining a QA Git tree? Or do you see your role more as 
> organizing testing or advocating good software development practices?

Let's set the records straight. I wouldn't be a QA manager in the strict 
sense of the term. I neither got the time nor the resources to be so. QA 
manager on a project like Koha could be a full-time job. This is clearly 
not my proposal which is modestly to give 1-2 hours a day to this 
activity. So if QA manager role is to review patches before pushing 
them, I'm not the right person. I see him as the person who put an eye 
on the project as a whole, at a high level, from a technical and 
community perspective, having in mind quality and open sharing between 
participants. I could also undertake and coordinate specific activities 
like testing and performances improvement.

So I'd say ingenuously that I'm available and open to give limited (but 
valuable :-) time to a QA manager role which has to be defined by the 
developers community.

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