[Koha-devel] AJAX frameworks

Jesse pianohacker at gmail.com
Mon Apr 6 04:30:26 CEST 2009

Currently, Koha has three possible frameworks for AJAX:

   - Biblios, XML-based: Already in use, though only by Biblios. No wrapper,
   so each of the services has to deal with XML::Simple itself. XML works
   fairly well, though is slightly more work to deal with than JSON on the
   browser end.
   - Tags, JSON-based: This creates JSON objects through interpolation of
   strings. This works, and avoids the CPAN/JSON dependency, but is error
   prone, and wouldn't work well for a large number of scripts.
   - C4::Service (recently sent to patches list, so everything dealing with
   it is uncertain): I am slightly biased towards this approach because I wrote
   it, but I think it saves a lot of repetitive work in writing AJAX services.
   It requires its own script, unlike the approach used for the tags script,
   which has the disadvantage of requiring some duplicative coding, but this
   was not too horrible a problem even when writing AJAX circulation.

C4::Service was originally part of the AJAX circulation patchset, but this
is still in testing, so I decided to send it on its own. It comes with a
HTML::Template-ish wrapper around CPAN's JSON module.

It might be worth deciding on one or a blend of these approaches, as AJAX
will continue to be important.

Jesse Weaver
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