[Koha-devel] Hardware requirements and cluster scalability

Paul Poulain paul.poulain at biblibre.com
Wed Jun 1 09:41:13 CEST 2011

Le 25/05/2011 11:01, Olli-Antti Kivilahti a écrit :
> Good day to everybody at the devel-list.
> And greetings from Finland!
Hi Finland, here is France ;-)

(just FYI : there is a monestary in finland that uses Koha. Ask Monk
Viktor (mviktor at valamo.fi) )
> The library of Joensuu has started a project to compare different open
> source library systems, mainly Koha and Evergreen, with the goal of
> moving from our current closed source system to open source. We are
> planning to create a consortium of minimum of a ~20 libraries, but if
> open ILS are found to be superrior, probably the consortium can easily
> grow to ~250 libraries with ~5 million articles and ~150 000
> transactions/hour.
Our largest customer is a little bit smaller, but not that much : 48
libraries, 1.3 millions items (and 760k biblios), something like 1
million check-out per year.

The hardware is a bi-quadri-core (8 cores), 12GB RAM, RAID10 hard disks
(84GB used for system/koha/zebra, and 26GB used for mySQL)
The server is far from being overloaded.
There is no specific hard disk, and no NAS or something like that. Just
take care of what I wrote on our blog :

About the pc units, we haven't changed any computer. So some are very
old (5years or more). The only requirement is to be able to run Firefox.
So even a winXP should be OK.

The server is centralized and host the 48 libraries catalogues, that are
considered as one. I don't see how you could have every library hosting
their own database if you want to have a true network (ie: with easy
transfers/holds/check-in/out) between branches.

The OPAC can be integrated with Drupal through SOPAC. We've made the
ILS-DI connector for Koha, and the ILS-DI connector for Drupal. However,
if you want to investigate deeper, you should drop me a mail, there are
some problems we've solved and that are not on official SOPAC (in 2
words : the sopac guys want something working with any ILS and any
portal, we think it's better to use all drupal specific features)
I'm not sure though that it would work well with a 5 million records


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