[Koha-devel] Koha 3.10 : git branch created

Paul Poulain paul.poulain at biblibre.com
Thu Nov 1 20:21:16 CET 2012

Hello koha-devel,

The branch 3.10.x has been created and the 3.12 Release Manager has
endorsed the master branch.
As Release Manager for 3.10 that will be released in 3 weeks, I'm
responsible for the 3.10.x branch.

Depending on what you want to work with, if you have a git setup, you
can/must do
 * git checkout -b 3.10.x origin/3.10.x => use 3.10
 * git checkout origin/master => use master (that will be 3.12 in 6+ months)

We will follow the following rules :
 * Jared pushes first on master branch
 * I then push on 3.10 branch

It mean Jared won't probably push anything large before the 3.10.0
release, and I'll point him the bugfixes that need to be "promoted" to
"patch pushed"
Paul POULAIN - BibLibre
Free & Open Source Softwares for libraries
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