[Koha-devel] Unit tests and mock module

Paul Poulain paul.poulain at biblibre.com
Fri Sep 7 14:41:18 CEST 2012

Hi Koha-devel,

I just pushed t/Members_AttributeTypes.t unit tests that fake the
database. The test here could be redundant with t/db_dependent tests

I feel we should be aware of that, and :
 * decide Mock is the way to go, and promote using of Mock, removing
db_dependent tests (that fail if you don't have a database)
 * decide we should prefer db_dependent tests and limit the use of Mock
to specific cases

I feel that deciding nothing will result in a poor readability of what
tests what, and some difficulties to know which test is to update when
you update a sub.
So, as Mock is introduced, we must speak of it.

Your opinion ?
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