[Koha-devel] Unit tests and mock module

Robin Sheat robin at catalyst.net.nz
Fri Sep 7 14:51:03 CEST 2012

Hash: SHA1

Op 07-09-12 14:41, Paul Poulain schreef:
> * decide Mock is the way to go, and promote using of Mock,
> removing db_dependent tests (that fail if you don't have a
> database) * decide we should prefer db_dependent tests and limit
> the use of Mock to specific cases

The problem with many things in db_dependent is not that it requires a
database to run the tests, it's that the modules under test, or
required by the modules under test, load database information in their
BEGIN block.

These should be fixed where we can, as it's a) unnecessary db activity
if we never use that result, and b) I suspect will have issues with

As for mocking a database, I think it's generally a good idea, unless
what you're actually testing is that something is talking to the
database itself correctly (there may even be ways around that too.)

- -- 
Robin Sheat
Catalyst IT Ltd.
? +64 4 803 2204
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