[Koha-devel] broken tests for smsoverdues.pl and rss.pl

matted-34813 at mypacks.net matted-34813 at mypacks.net
Wed Sep 5 17:42:34 CEST 2012

While running some tests.

When running:   prove t/db_dependent tests, the 00-strict.t
the tests complain about misc/cronjobs/smsoverdues.pl and misc/cronjobs/rss.pl
referring to HTML::Template:Pro  which has been gone for some time.

It probably esists on the jenkins server, but not on my fresh dev environment.

I am wondering which way to go:
a) submit a bug and recode the tests with Template::Toolkit
b) we should remove/deprecate the functionality.  (I hate removing things)

Can anyone determine how long they have been broken (the release).

If we don't remove them now, when in the future(release) would it be appropriate?

Hopefully this can be discussed during the Sept 5th 2012 general IRC meeting (on the agenda).
I can't make it to the meeting.

Please chime in if you've worked on these components.


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