[Koha-devel] Proposal to be RM for 3.14

Paul Poulain paul.poulain at biblibre.com
Wed Mar 13 09:42:29 CET 2013

Le 12/03/2013 18:11, Galen Charlton a écrit :
> To lay the groundwork for spreading the release work around, I intend
> to try the following experiments during my tenure as RM:
> 1. Naming module maintainers.
> Over time, it might be possible
> that a trusted module maintainer would get authorization to push
> patches for their module directly to master.
+10. Spreading responsibilities is really an improvement imo!

> 2. Naming master branch committers.

> In time, this
> model might evolve to one where the release manager is just a named
> "first among equals" among the master branch committers whose primary
> responsibility is to be a final decision-maker in the case of dispute.
Well, you can't be "first among equals" because you're not from
Constantinople AFAIK (see
;-) (kidding)

> These experiments may or may not work, but with any luck during 3.14
> we will succeed in laying some groundwork for the release management
> load to be shared.
I hope it will work ! And if it does not work because of lack of
volunteers, it does not mean it must be abandoned in the next release.
This announcement/proposal is a little bit late for us (BibLibre), but
I'll try to see if someone want to jump into a role.

> If any folks are interested in becoming a module maintainer, please let me know.
will do ;-)

> My primary goal for 3.14 will be to significantly reduce the backlog
> of patches that has accumulated over the past few years.
Good luck, you've all my encouragements (sincerely).
How do you plan to do that ? Do you have already an idea ?

> 2. Building on the Solr and Zebra DOM work and efforts to rewrite the
> search-subsystem, with the goal of having true pluggable search
> backend support in 3.14.0.

> 3. Adding support for non-MARC metadata.
+10 (same qustion as previously = do you have an idea how you'll do that ?

One of my concern atm, is to investigate how to improve performances and
reduce load. I'll try to spend some time on that during next week hackfest.

PS: I can't be at the meeting, and it's a shame. However, the votes
shouldn't be a problem, as we don't have too much volunteers (as usual...)
PS2: I haven't QAed a lot of patches in the last months. I hope that
things will be better for the next release...

Paul POULAIN - Associé-gérant
Tel : (33) 4 91 81 35 08
Logiciels Libres pour les bibliothèques et les centres de documentation

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