[Koha-devel] OpenSUSE (part two)

David Cook dcook at prosentient.com.au
Tue Mar 26 05:06:12 CET 2013

Hi again, Mark:

(I should really read through all my digests before replying :P)

I've been planning to put together a test box at home to re-test and
re-document different installation methods (Git, Tarball, Packages) on
different operating systems (Debian, OpenSUSE), especially using plain
language that non-developers will understand. 

My main goal is to provide a set of installation documents that anyone
interested in installing and using Koha will be able to pick up and go from
point A to point K without too much hair-pulling. My ultimate goal is to
empower the library students at my old library school, and then hopefully
library students and librarians elsewhere.  

Of course, that's all on my personal time, so it hasn't been a priority yet.
I'm hoping to get a box this week though, and to start testing...well...when
I get some time. I actually do love documenting (I have an English degree
and a touch of OCD :p), so it's just a matter of time. 

If you've already started doing some work, I have a colleague who has a
recently installed OpenSUSE VM on his computer, and he would be more than
happy to test out anything you've put together so far. To be honest, my
first "project" is to test out some simplified installation instructions
that Chris Hall has provided to me, but since we use OpenSUSE here at
Prosentient, I'm certainly interested by this topic and I'm happy to help
out if there's anything specific you have in mind. 

David Cook
Systems Librarian
Prosentient Systems P/L
ABN 31 078 409 168
72/330 Wattle St, 
Ultimo NSW 2007
tel: 02 92120899
fax: 02 92120885
dcook at prosentient.com.au

-----Original Message-----
From: "Mark Tompsett" <mtompset at hotmail.com>
To: "Tomas Cohen Arazi" <tomascohen at gmail.com>
Cc: koha-devel <koha-devel at lists.koha-community.org>
Subject: Re: [Koha-devel] OpenSUSE
Message-ID: <BLU172-DS5CFF59527FD5BF60CD5FAC6D00 at phx.gbl>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"


> I belive install docs should be qa-ed for every release and cleaned.

+1 ? Yes, if the install instructions were QA-ed each release, the ?origin?
vs. ?origin/3.10.x? would not be a concern of mine.

> Regarding OpenSuSE i know a few that run Koha flawlessly on it. At leat
3.6 i think.
> The main problem is there are not many volunteers to take on the job of
testing and rewriting.

Therein is the hassle for those of us who do not have a love of documenting.

> I've never used dpkg on a rpm-based distro, did the reverse thou.

I?m trying to stick with the installation paradigm of the distro I am
playing with.

Mark Tompsett

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