[Koha-devel] General questions from a first-patcher

Philippe Blouin philippe.blouin at inLibro.com
Thu Sep 26 22:08:23 CEST 2013

Holà Koha!

First to present myself, I'm a new developper on Koha.  I work for 
inLibro, which has been a Koha proponent for a while now.
All our changes, enhancements and bug fixes have been local so far, 
meaning we patched for each library as they needed.
We got a bundle of those to contribute to the community.  Fixes and 
enhancements.  To get the hang of it, I started with three small ones 
(after dutifully reading the wiki, blog and asking irc questions), but 
I'm sure I screwed up a few things.

I will appreciate _any_ and _every_ constructive comments you can make 
on the following:

- I work with patches.  I used git-bz for one, and manual for the 
others.  Now how to I email to patch mailing list?  I just copy the 
content?  I comment it?  Do I add the [PATCH] in the header or some tool 
could have done all that for me?  (my server can't send email, so I'm 
not sure if git-bz should have done it)
- My local branch names are bug_XXXX from the master.  But I'm not sure 
if that must be commited.  Some wiki (contribute!) only talks about 
sending a patch.  Others 
(http://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/Commit_messages) talk about it.  
Can you enlighten me?

Long text for two questions.  Sorry.  But I need that clarified before I 
start piling up fixes :)

Very best regards,

Philippe Blouin,
Responsable du développement informatique

Tél.  : (888) 604-2627
philippe.blouin at inLibro.com <mailto:philippe.blouin at inLibro.com>

inLibro | pour esprit libre | www.inLibro.com <http://www.inLibro.com>
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