[Koha-devel] Basket Creation in neworderempty.pl

Arun kumar arun25jun at gmail.com
Mon Aug 4 09:30:35 CEST 2014

Hello Guys,

We are developing some Customization programming for KOHA 3.12 to meet our
requirements, I have trouble in creation of basket in neworderempty.pl i
have added the form in template of neworderempty.tmpl

  my $op = $input ->param('op');
    my $booksellerid = $input->param('booksellerid');
    my $branches = GetBranches;

    if ( $op eq 'add_form' ) {
    my @contractloop;
    my $basket;

    my $bookseller = GetBookSellerFromId($booksellerid);
    my $count = scalar @contractloop;
    if ( $count > 0) {
        $template->param(contractloop => \@contractloop,
                         basketcontractnumber =>
    my @booksellers = C4::Bookseller::GetBookSeller();
    $template->param( add_form => 1,
                    basketname => $basket->{'basketname'},
                    basketnote => $basket->{'note'},
                    basketbooksellernote => $basket->{'booksellernote'},
                    booksellername => $bookseller->{'name'},
                    booksellerid => $booksellerid,
                    basketno => $basketno,
                    booksellers => \@booksellers,
                    deliveryplace => $basket->{deliveryplace},
                    billingplace => $basket->{billingplace},

    my $billingplace = $basket->{'billingplace'} ||
    my $deliveryplace = $basket->{'deliveryplace'} ||
    # Build the combobox to select the billing place
    my @billingplaceloop;

    my $branches = C4::Branch::GetBranchesLoop( $billingplace );
    $template->param( billingplaceloop => $branches );
    $branches = C4::Branch::GetBranchesLoop( $deliveryplace );
    $template->param( deliveryplaceloop => $branches );

#End Edit

} elsif ( $op eq 'add_validate' ) {
 #New basket
    # creation of basket per day basis for every vendor and all the orders
for that day
    # will be added to the same basket of creation
        my $today = C4::Dates->today;
        print $today;
        my $dt   = DateTime->now;   # Stores current date and time as
datetime object
        my $todaysdate = $dt->ymd;
        my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh;
        my $sql = q{ SELECT basketno, booksellerid, creationdate FROM
aqbasket WHERE creationdate = ? AND booksellerid=?};
        my $sth = $dbh->prepare($sql);
        $sth->execute($todaysdate, $booksellerid);
        if (my @basketdetails = $sth->fetchrow_array ){
             my @data =  @basketdetails;
             $basketno = splice(@data,0,1);
             $template->param(basketno => $basketno);
         $basketno = NewBasket(
             $input->param('basketcontractnumber') || undef,
         $template->param(basketno => $basketno);
at the template end i have set it with

<input type="hidden" name="op" value="add_validate" />

to activate the new basket function when i save  but doesn't seem inserting
values for basket details in aqbasket table

can any one help me please, thanks in advance


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