[Koha-devel] Which version for MARC::Record ?

Zeno Tajoli z.tajoli at cineca.it
Wed May 14 23:58:41 CEST 2014

Hi to all,

in C4/Installer/PerlDependencies.pm the module MARC::Record
is set to 2.0.6.

470 'MARC::Record' => {
471         'usage'    => 'Core',
472         'required' => '1',
473         'min_ver'  => '2.0.6'
474     },

In fact we need it (see bug 11096)
But this is not the version of the module in debian stable (it is present in debian ustable).
And it is a mandatory module.

The situation now is the everyone wants to install Koha 'master' version needs to install it by CPAN.

I suggest we can use a more complex setup of repository, inset MARC::Record in our Koha repo and use 'pinning',
https://wiki.debian.org/AptPreferences to prefear our repo (or jessie) instead of whezzy stable.

Zeno Tajoli

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