[Koha-devel] plack in production

Robin Sheat robin at catalyst.net.nz
Mon Apr 20 00:12:38 CEST 2015

Gaetan Boisson schreef op do 26-03-2015 om 16:17 [+0100]:
> we have been talking about plack quite a lot in the last hackfest, and
> i 
> must say i am not that comfortable with the technical aspects and
> hardly 
> understand what the issues are, but...

I apparently missed this message when it was first posted.

Anyway, we have a plack system in production. I'd link you to it, but
it's closed and so it'll do you no good. 

It is really speedy though. In this case it's needed because this
library sends out monthly newsletters to its members who then all
descend on the OPAC en masse, which in the pre-plack days would make it
OOM or at least just give up responding. However with plack, it serves
the responses fast enough that it can handle the high load with a lot
more success.

The script I use to convert a package install to use plack is here:


One of these days I'll probably make a branch of Koha that includes
plack support by default in the packages, or make a package that
provides the appropriate diverts to switch everything on that machine to
plack, I haven't decided which way to go yet.

We do have a few minor issues, but nothing as severe as what you're
talking about. 

The main problem is that user separation makes memory allocation tricky
as you need to pre-allocate per koha instance, which is a bit much. At
the same time, we don't want to risk giving the process read access to
every koha-conf.xml as that's dangerous. We do have a solution for this
(it's weird, but it'll do), I just haven't had a chance to tie it in.

Robin Sheat
Catalyst IT Ltd.
✆ +64 4 803 2204
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