[Koha-devel] Language overlays or: On the way to finally resolve important translation issues in Koha

Mirko Tietgen mirko at abunchofthings.net
Thu Apr 30 12:44:05 CEST 2015

Hi Marc & everybody else

Marc Véron schrieb am 30.04.2015

> - What do you think to have Bug 14063 (Signed-off) and later Bug 14064 as
> a transitory solution to fix the issue for the most exposed places 

I would like this to happen and I would appreciate if it could be
considered for 3.20, even though it missed feature freeze. I signed
off on 14063, it's a really tiny, yet very effective patch.

I understand that in mostly monolingual contexts (be that English,
French or anything else) it may be considered not a big deal, but
for multilingual environments, speaking of Koha as translated in a
lof of languages but failing in these details is more than just

-- Mirko


Mirko Tietgen
mirko at abunchofthings.net

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